Chapter Thirty: Date-- I mean, "HANGING OUT" With Ru-kun

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Maria's PoV

Me, Azusa-san, Fuuto-san, Yuusuke-san, Hika-chan, Joan, Kei, Maya, and Ema-chan were doing Truth or Dare.

We took turns daring and asking the others just to make them blush or make them embarrassed, which was an evil thing to do.

But who cares? xDD

Just then, Joan gave me a dare.

"I dare you to go ask Louis-san on a date!" she exclaimed.

"WHAA-? WHY ME??!" I shrieked. "And most especially, WHY ON A DATE??!"

"That's my dare for you," she said. "I'm evil, too, you know?"

>_< I'm doomed. "Okay, fine! But I'll ask him to hang out, not on a date!"

"It's still the same, duh~!"


I sighed. Then my eyes quickly glanced at Hika-chan for no reason.

He was quiet and was staring at the floor, hands gripping his knees.

After that, they all went to their rooms and slept. I stayed at the living room to read a book.

It was around 11 PM when the elevator suddenly opened and Louis-san stepped out of the elevator. When he saw me, he stopped and got back in the elevator.

0___o?? What the-?

But shortly after that, he came back...

And sat beside me on the floor... 

0//0 Wait, what?

I scooted away from him a little then continued reading.

But it seems he noticed it so he inched closer to me.

I moved a little farther.

He closes the distance again.


Then he suddenly takes my book and smiles.

"My boo~k!" I exclaimed, pouting.

"I hate it... when you move... away from me..." he murmured.

0//0 "A-ano..." I muttered. "R-ru-kun...?"


I took a deep breath. "I was planning to go to Shibuya tomorrow... but no one's free. So I thought I should ask you..."

He smiled even more then patted my head. Huh...?

"I'll go... with you..."

0___0 "Y-you're free tomorrow?" I asked. "Aren't you busy...?"

He shook his head. "Mm~... I got a day off..."

I nodded slowly. "Oh..."



"I was panning on... asking you out, too..." he said.

0///0 What did he just say? He was planning on asking me out?? So he was like already ahead of me?? Am I dreaming??!

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