Chapter Twenty-nine: Getting Sick

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Joan's PoV

Ukyo-san asked me if I could go to Masaomi-sa--I mean, Mi-kun, and deliver some food and clothes.

Mi-kun hasn't been home for two days now. Probably having lots of patients...

I'm really worried...

I arrived at the hospital.

"Is Asahina-san in?" I asked the nurse.

"Yes. Is there something you need?" she asked me.

"Ano... I was told by his brother to give these clothes and food to him," I said, showing the bag I'm carrying.

"I'm sorry but only authorized persons are allowed to visit him."

What is he, a patient??



I just remembered what Mi-kun told me...

'If ever you were asked how you are related to me, tell them you're my girlfriend. Especially to the nurses at the hospital...'

'Won't that put me in danger?' I asked him.

'Of course not. Why would they?'

Um, because you're like the most handsome doctor in this hospital? 0_o??

"I'm his girlfriend, Joan Reyes..." I said, after gathering the courage and pushing away the embarrassment.

"J-joan R-reyes??" she stammered. "R-reyes-san! You should have told me your name!"

So now it's my fault? T^T

"Yes, Asahina-san is in. Please do feel free to go there!" she exclaimed.

---___--- "Th-thank you very much..." I said with a bow. She bowed back and then I went to his office.

I knocked three times but no one answered.

So I just let myself in.

His door was unlocked, FYI.

I saw Mi-ku--you know what, when I'm doing my monologues, I'm gonna call him Masaomi-san--sleeping, head resting on his arms that were folded and layed on the table.

Aww, he's so cute... ^___^

I put the bag on the couch then ruffled his hair lightly.


What the--?! He has fever!!

Gaa~h! What should I do??! I'm panicking!! Whhaaa~!!!?

Calm down, Joan. You can do this. All you need to do is stay calm and remember how to take care of someone with fever...

But first...

"Masaomi-san..." I muttered, shaking him lightly. "Masaomi-san~...!"

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