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Hello, hi, this is SeineLee dropping by in the year 2020 (almost 6 years after I finished this book) to let you know that:


I just noticed that this first book has a lot of reads compared to the second one. Yeah, I know, maybe the others just prefer to read this and not continue to the next. But just in case, this does have a second book which I conveniently named:

Another Me--A Stranger

*claps sarcastically*

Anyway, I felt like dropping by because I was going to update there. No, nothing major. I don't plan on rewriting this and the other one. I love seeing how cringy I wrote before and I love the memories and friends I made during this time. So this is staying. 

Okay, to those who have been here from the very start, those who supported 13 year old me, thank you so much. To those who are new and who are still reading this, for supporting the 19 year old me's memories and beginnings, thank you.

Love you guys!


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