Chapter Thirty-one: Breakfast and Confusion

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Maria's PoV

I woke up early just to visit Hikaru-san...

I haven't visited him for a while now, and I really want to know the progresses he made for the novel. I'm really curious about how it turned out! ^___^

When I reached his house, I rang the buzzer three times... But no one answered.

I was getting irritated again when my hand grabbed the door knob and realized it wasn't locked.


I opened the door and went inside.

"Hika-chan...?" I called out softly.

When I reached the living room, I saw him lying on the floor.


"Hika-chan!" I exclaimed, kneeling down beside him.

He just groaned. ---___---

"Hika-chan..." I muttered then sighed. I sat down on the floor beside him then looked around the room.

The last time I was here... When was the last time I was here? 0_o? I forgot... Heh, no use remembering it now...

I shook him. "Hika-chan! Wake up, you idiot!" I shouted while he kept on groaning. --__--" "Oi! Hika-chan! Go to your bed and sleep there!"

He slowly opens his eyes. "Uh...?"

I sighed then tried to stand up but then he grabbed my hand and pulled, causing me to land on top of him.

"Itai!" I exclaimed."Nanishiteruno??"

He smiled, his eyes still looking sleepy...

0//0 He's so cute...

Wait, what?? Maria! Stop that! You already like someone! >__<

"Panda-chan..." he murmured, hugging me.

0///0 "O-oi! Let go!" I exclaimed, trying ot break free from his hold.

"Let's stay like this... Even for just this day..." Hikaru-san muttered. "I want us to stay like this... Me hugging you... You in my arms... Let's stay like this even for just a while..."

"Y-you can always ask for a hug, you know..." I said, blushing.

"But it's not the same..." he said.

"Not the same...?"

I felt him pat my head. "Panda-chan is so heavy..."

"I-IT'S YOUR FAULT!" I shouted. 

Hikaru-san chuckled. "My novel is already finished. It only needs to be edited, and published."

"Really?? Waa~! That's great!" I said, looking at him. "When will it be out??"

"Maybe around April..."

"I'm going to buy it!" I stated.

"No need for that. I'll make sure they give me two copies for me so that I can give the other one to you."

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