Chapter 2: One Day

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I took my phone and answered the call when I ignored it for the third time cause I'm really afraid that it might be a threat from someone since my father is a policeman and he warned me that I should not talk to strangers. I felt the heaviness in my chest feeling guilty that I disobeyed my father. As soon as I clicked the green thing on my phone, I felt relieved hearing a woman's voice.

"Good evening. Is this Y/N?" a formal and gentle voice came out.

"Yes. Good evening. Why did you call me and who are you? I'm sorry cause your number is unregistered on my phone." I said with a little bit shyness.

"Oh! Don't bother about that. I am from a medical school in Japan and I would like to inform you that we want you as an exchange student."


"Umm... Excuse me Ms. Y/N? Are you still on the line?" The woman made me snapped out from my short thoughts.

"A-aah y-y-yes. I'm sorry. B-but why would you choose m-me?" My words keep on stumbling since I am still shocked on hearing the news.

"Ahhh! We were informed that you know a little bit of Nihonggo which makes it a good point why we chose you and that you are also an honor student. Looking at your face, you also have such Asian look that Japanese people favors."

"How do I know that you are telling the truth?"

"Come to your school's office tomorrow. We will give you the documents you need and we will talk with your parents so make sure that you will bring them at exactly 3 pm after your class. I'm sorry but I have to end the call now. If you have questions, just ask about it tomorrow when we meet."

"Noted. Thank you very much!" The caller ended the call and I jumped around the room chatting with my friends about what exactly happened awhile ago. I also went to the kitchen when I heard my mom already arrived.

"Mom! You have to come to school tomorrow! Prepare my passport! I'm going to leave!" I shouted running towards my mother. It's a good thing that I already have a passport which I just got last month since mom is planning to have our summer vacation at Taiwan.

"What are you talking about? Where are you going? Are you being crazy about Kpop again?" Mom said without looking at me since she is busy cooking.

"Just come at the office! You and dad are intended to meet with someone!"

"Don't tell me you failed a subject Y/N?!" Mom suddenly slapped my butt.

"Ouch! Mom! No! Just please come!"

It's already 11:11 pm and I can't sleep. I keep on thinking, "Will I meet my true love there? Is she a Japanese? Where and how will we meet? I hope she's sweet. Ugh. I won't date someone if she's not a Twice member. I can still wait for 5 years! But if I will meet my special someone there despite that she's not a Twice member, I have nothing to do then. Our heart beats for an unexpected person so... I hope one day, I can be together with you, my Love.

Classes have already ended and the meeting with Ms. Hashimoto, the Japanese representative of one of a good medical school in Hiroshima, with my parents went well. My mother sincerely allowed me in taking such opportunity but my father is still a little bit against it. It's not new since he is always like that and he doesn't even want me to be a medical student since he wants me to be a police. He says he can't afford paying millions for my medical school once I graduate from pre-medical course. Mom assured me that I can go and she also proudly revealed the news to my whole family. My friends also congratulated me and cheered me up. They said that they will be absent just to bid their goodbyes to me next week. Yes! Next week! So fast. So near to see my soul mate. I am hoping. Just one day.

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