Chapter 3: It Hurts

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*Departure Day*

"Are you going to be okay there Y/N?", Mom asked me worriedly. I'm sad that I'm not yet prepared to take off and I would like to stay a little longer. Who can blame me? I grew up as a patriotic person, loving the beauty of my country and its' people. Although I don't want to leave, I have to do this since this is a good opportunity in achieving my goals.

"Y/N! Sorry we're a bit late! It was traffic!", Ally shouted running towards me.

"Y/N, take this with you. I will always support you. Fighting!", June, my best friend, gave me a scrapbook. I don't know if I need this but I thanked her anyways. She is really a considerate friend and is a hardworking student. I wonder why they didn't take her instead.

"Tell me when you meet your special someone already. Understand?", Winnie told me shaking my shoulders.

"Guys calm down! It's not like I'll stay there for a long time. It's only for 2 months, okay? I'll be back and I will still communicate with you!", I assured them.

2 minutes after we were talking, the plane is already on-board. I went to the plane and forced myself not to cry. Of all the people I will miss, I will surely miss my mother. I was used being by her side and I cannot live without her. My father didn't even bother to come on my departure. I'm not even sure if I'm his child and if he truly loves me as his child. Nevermind. As the plane went up, I switched my phone off and looked down seeing the nature of my country until I dozed off to sleep.

I was awakened by the sound of the system indicating that we are almost there. People are so excited and they are already fixing themselves. The plane already landed and I waited for my turn to go down from the plane. I sat on a chair waiting for Ms. Hashimoto since she is the one who will fetch me here. I noticed that there are many people gathering around on my right side, 500 meters from my place. I want to go there and look on what is happening but I stopped myself thinking that I could put my life in danger on such chaos.

Momo's POV

It seems like the fans were aware that we are arriving at this time. Our bodyguards are having a hard time controlling them. I'm glad I'm back in Japan but I'm also sad that the purpose of going here is because of our work.


We were called to gather on our practice room for a meeting and we are excited and a bit nervous on what our manager is going to tell us. Finally, he arrived and looked at us with a blank face.

"What do you think I'm going to say?", our manager finally broke the silence lingering around our room.

"How would we know manager-nim? That's why you called for a meeting to tell us right? Duh." Tzuyu answered.

"Come on! Don't tease us manager-nim we are dying to find out!" Nayeon unnie suddenly hopped out.

"Fine. Fine. You are going to Hiroshima 3 days from now. You have to practice there for your Japanese comeback.", we all groaned when we heard that we are just going back to Japan for the sake of practicing. It's been a long time since we last had our rest and I am wondering if when can we stay with our love ones again. I know that we are idols who were hardly trained and it's our choice to choose such path but, is this what idols deserve? Shooting 6-7 music videos in 1 year only, having tours, performing on award shows, and dealing with fans during fan meetings. Isn't that enough to say that we overworked ourselves too much?

End of Flashback

"Ouch!" I suddenly heard Jihyo's painful shout while she is caressing her forehead.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" I yelled on a cameraman when I realized that Jihyo got hurt when the camera was shoved on her face. I rushed to Jihyo and guided her away from the crowd.

"Thanks Momoring but I'm okay.", she weakly smiled at me. I am mad at other people bashing her and treating her like she is not a member of Twice. If they only know how gentle and caring our leader-nim was, they would have already weep saying sorry to our leader.

"Stop pretending that you're okay when you're not.", I told her. "Hang on. We're almost there."

I let Jihyo get up on our shining black van first since she was hurt. I quickly went inside too and closed the door and windows to avoid the flashing cameras that keep on hurting our eyes. It's a good thing that our windows were heavily tainted.


The noises are deafening me so I went outside and waited there.

"I'm already here at the parking lot Y/N. Find a black van with a plate number, 931999.", it was a message from Ms. Hashimoto. I rushed to the parking lot and saw the black van immediately not seeing someone inside since it is darkly tainted. I almost opened it when suddenly I was knocked down because of the crowd. I cursed under my breath looking at the plate number and realized that it was not what Ms. Hashimoto has given me.

Someone took my arms and I heard a concerned voice which is also familiar behind me saying, "Daijoubu?! (Are you okay?)".

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