Chapter 4: I Need Cookie and Coffee

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"Oh! I'm sorry I got caught up!" I looked up seeing Ms. Hashimoto chuckling as she helped me to get up. She looked so cute when she smiled like that. I wonder if she already have a boyfriend. "Hello! Earth to Y/N!", she waved her hands on my face.

 "Hello! Earth to Y/N!", she waved her hands on my face

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    This is Ms. Hashimoto

"Umm yes. Daijoubu desu." I laughed cleaning myself from the dirt I got on the floor.

"Let's go now. The van is just there. You should be thankful I saw you or else you could have been badly injured with those people's shoes." We continued walking a few meters to the van and the van I mistook drove rushly passing us by.

"You almost opened that van! It's a shame you didn't look at the plate number Y/N." Ms. Hashimoto harshly added while opening our van. "This should not happen again next time. Understand?"

I bowed my head and nodded as she gave me a paper written in English. She waited for me to calm down and opened her mouth to discuss about some things.

"Kindly read that paper. Those are rules that you have to follow inside and even outside the school."

1) Don't tell anyone about your nationality.
2) Maintain high grades.
3) You are only allowed to go out of your dormitory every weekends.
4) Always speak in Nihonggo.
5) Dating is strictly prohibited.

Woah! The fifth rule doesn't seem too heavy for me before,  but why am I a little bit disappointed seeing it this time? Whatever, I have to follow the rules. I came here to learn anyways so this shouldn't bother me.

"Are you done reading Y/N?" Ms. Hashimoto asked. I nodded again staring at her. "Well, as you can see, you should not reveal your nationality to anyone. Your teachers and the faculties already know you and your nationality. Also, your name will not be Y/N anymore. Everyone should call you Keito. Raguna Keito."

"Why is it so?" I freaked out.

"Silly! For them to think that you are a Japanese student! And I believe that you have learned a little Nihonggo right? Just tell others that you are not that fluent in Nihonggo because you were a Japanese that grew up in Spain."

I already arrived on my dormitory and it seems like I don't have a roommate. I turned the lights on and I saw how comfortable the room was. It's good that I don't have a roommate. It's good that I can keep this room by myself.

Momo's POV

We already arrived on the place where we will stay and I suddenly unpacked my things and plopped myself on the bed taking my phone out.

"Hello roommate. I believe that we won't share a bed so I am glad that you don't have to sleep beside me." Mina appeared on the doorway bringing her things.

"I can go there on your bed while you're asleep." I stucked my tongue to her.

"You pervert!" She threw her penguin plushie to my face.

"Yah Mina! Keep calm!"

She suddenly closed that door with a loud bang that echoed all over the house.

Ahh! That moody penguin! I know she will plan a revenge to me now! I have to be careful. Damn! The weather is so cold. How can I practice later if my muscles are starting to freeze and the laziness is building up inside me?

I looked outside the window to see it slightly covered with white. I went downstairs to tell the whole members that the snow is already starting.

This is really a bad day. First, we came here for work purposes. Second, we were almost stucked on the airport because of the media and crazy fans. I'm also mad about what happened to Jihyo and to Nayeon who was grabbed harshly by one of our fans. Third, Mina might be mad at me. Lastly, the first snow fell. I like playing on the snow, but not this time since I have to practice. I should cook ramen right now.


It's a good thing that I have a friend here in Hiroshima. She was my friend that transferred here from the Philippines. It's been a long time since I last saw her. I guess that was 3 years ago? I opened my Facebook and chatted her that I am here on her place.

Me: Mika-chan! Let's meet up! I'm here in Hiroshima! 😬

Mika: What's with your joke right now? Thinking of Twice again until it made you insane? 😂

Me: I'm not kidding! Wait. I'll switch on my GPS and I will video call you. 😡

I turned on my location and video called her to prove to her that I wasn't joking. She immediately answered and shouted everywhere.

"OMG! Y/N! You're really here! Where are you now?! What made you go here?! You will attend a concert of Twice?! You really are insane!" She yelled at me.

"Baka! You know? You are so Pabo like Momo! As in Pabo Momo. I can't afford to go to their concert as much as I want to watch them, talk to them. Of course I'll talk to them that's the first thing I will do once I meet them! Ok, in my dreams. By the way, I am an exchange student at the Hiroshima's Medical Academy and I am here at their dormitory."

"Avid fangirl. Let's meet up for a coffee tomorrow! My treat!"

"I can't see why not? Where and what time?"

"8 am at Shinzo Cafe Delight. They serve nice coffee and cookies that will turn on your appetite. It's on the right side of your dormitory. For now, bye! My mom is telling me to sleep. Oyasumi."

"Oyasumi nasai, Mika-chan!" I turned off the phone and went to bed also.

No dating Y/N! So don't think of searching for love interests here! You will go out of Japan still single!

Momo's POV

I woke up by the noises on the living room. It made me crazy wondering why I ended up with such group mates. As much as I want to sleep, someone grabbed my feet making me fully awake. I pushed her away and glared at her.

"Yah! Mina! Can't you see that I'm still sleeping?!" I yelled to her making her laugh with her gummy smile.

"I'm sorry. Jihyo told me to wake you up. We are heading for a coffee and will munch some cookies since our schedule will start later on the afternoon."

I stood up hearing that we will get a coffee and cookie which is what I needed at the moment. After my warm bath, I took some simple and comfortable clothes enough to warm me up paired up with a coffee and sweet cookies soon. I wonder if my fashion is still admirable even if it is so simple. Maybe I got used on elegant clothes. I hate looking on the mirror right now. We rode to our van and head down a few minutes later arriving at the coffee shop.

"Momo? Last night, Sana told me a story about the red string. I think I like the story and it is also one of the Japanese beliefs right? Do you believe in that?" Tzuyu asked me with her serious face.

"I do. If we are fated to be together with that someone, then we will end up to be with them together and forever. I am also wondering right now if where is that someone." I blushed and my eyes got bigger realizing what I've just said.

How could I say such deep things? The thought of what I said just now annoyed me somehow and those words are kind of irritating me. This is not me at all.

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