Chapter 31: Stay

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Momo's POV

I walked slowly to the park where Kai oppa told me. Am I making the right decision? I guess I am.

"Hi Momo!", Kai oppa surprised me by popping out from the tree beside me.

"So what should we talk about?", he said while he crossed his arms on his chest as he leaned on the tree. "The same issue?"

"Yeah.", it seems like I don't really want to talk to him.

"Do you agree?", he asked me with a grin on his face.

What's the point of saying no to Kai oppa. I'm an EXO-L, both of us are main dancers. How can I say no to that? Keito's name is now on a black surface.

"Yes, oppa. Let's date after my dating ban.", I finally said it hoping that I won't regret.

*After my dating ban*

"Hi Momo!", I opened our door making the others peek at who's outside. "Let's go out?"

"Let me prepare for a moment Oppa.", I faked a smile and slowly prepared.

What am I doing? Am I being true to myself? Whatever, me and Keito are already done anyways. She was the one who pushed me to say goodbye to her.

"Momo, where are you going?", Dahyun grabbed me. "Are you going with Kai oppa?"

"Yes, I am.", I answered.

"Are you sure about this?", I nodded and went towards Kai.

"Oppa, I'm already done. Let's go out.", he offered his arms as we walked.

Kai oppa brought me on a peaceful beach. I can't help but wonder if this sea is connected with where Keito is right now. We might be a sea further away. I can't believe this.

"Momo? Are you okay? You seemed off.", Kai sat beside me and placed his arms on my shoulders.

"I'm okay oppa, I'm just relaxing. Thanks for taking me on such place. I really appreciate it.", I smiled at him.

"Momo.", he called for me again. "The truth is... This relationship is not all about showbiz only. I want this to be a true relationship. I'm in love with you."

I can't handle this anymore. If I had only asked Keito before to stay with me, I wouldn't have such doubts occurring inside my mind right now. If in the end we'll meet again, I'll ask for her to stay. Now, how are we doing?

"Momo, please give me a chance to treat you better.", he pleaded as he starts to kneel in front of me.

"I'll give you a chance oppa.", I know I'm lying but, maybe this is just the truth that I should handle right now.

"Yes! Momo said yes to me!", he jumped around although no one's listening to him. "I love you Hirai Momo!"

It seems like the whole world is not going to be happy if I'm going to stay with him. My life is full of lies right now.


"EXO's Kai and TWICE's Momo are confirmed to be dating"

I kept on rereading the headline I saw. I can't believe this is happening. So her love for me did really stopped. This is killing me softly. If I did stay before, would there be a change?

"Y/N! You looked so pale! Do you want us to bring you to the clinic?", June is helping me up.

"No June! No need!", I smiled and took off her hand gently from me. "Thanks for being a concerned friend but I'm really alright. Excuse me, let me answer this call."

"I saw the news Keito! Don't be shocked okay?", Ai-san said urgently. "Momo is dating somebody new! I should've known how stupid my cousin was! I should've killed her before!"

"Thanks for your concern, Ai-san but it's been 9 months already. I've already moved on from her.", I lied and Ai-san sensed it.

"You haven't. The next time we'll see each other, I'll make it sure that she won't see that Kai anymore.", I laughed as her voice is raging. "Next time, stay with me, I'll show her that we're together so that I would know if she's jealous or not."

"Eww. You're so creepy. Time to say goodbye now! Sayonara!", I said as I ended the call.

Ai-san comforted me for a moment but my longing for Momo went back immediately after the call. I know that someday, it will be okay.

Momo's POV

I felt my wrist being grabbed when I opened the door of our house. I looked around and I saw my members giving me a sad look.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!", Jihyo punched me while she brought me inside her room. "Why are you doing this?! Why are you hurting Keito?! I can't believe this!"

"Why am I hurting Keito?! She's even the one who left me and she's together with my cousin right now! I can't even find her somewhere as if she's hiding on a dark place below the sea!", I pushed her away and started crying.

"Are you just going to believe your cousin? What if Keito made it as a trap to test you too? Like how you left her without telling her? Huh? Answer me!", she grabbed my colar and I saw her eyes with tears building up. "If I had only known about this! If I didn't allow Keito to be with you. This wouldn't happen!"

"What are you trying to say Jihyo?", I asked her as she let me go.

"I-i", she keeps on moving away until her back reached the wall. "I'm in love with Keito."

My eyes widened when I heard Jihyo said that. So that's the main reason why she doesn't want me to get near with Keito. That's the reason why she wants me to stay away cause she wants to be the one to stay beside Keito.

"You deserve this!", I landed a punch on her face. "You're the only one who's capable of doing such thing! I thought you're a good leader, but now I know that you're not!"

"What the heck are you talking about?!", she yelled as she punched me back making us ramble all around the room.

"Stop acting as if you're innocent! You're being too obvious!", I held on the cabinet as I almost tripped myself on a broken lamp.

"I don't understand what you're talking about!", she yelled as she stopped for a moment.

"You are the one who took a pic of me and Keito and spread it allover the media!", I cried loudly. "You want us to break up cause you want her to be only yours. You're a selfish person! You're evil!"

"No, I didn't do such thing. I won't do such thing cause it would place Keito on a big danger. I can't let that happen.", she stuttered clenching her jaw. "I won't let her be humiliated in the whole world and mostly, I don't want our group to be ruined just because of such issue."

The room is now filled with silent cries and every blame was flowing in the air. We still stayed  even if we don't want to.

"If she's with you, and that's the only thing that could make her happy, I'll let it be.", she added. "I might be her bias, but Momo, I can see it in her eyes. She's calling for your name to stay with her all the time."

Jihyo closed the door of my room slowly as I felt the pain inside my heart. I felt pain for both Jihyo and Keito. In comparison, Jihyo deserves to stay with Keito. But whoever between Ai and Jihyo uploaded the picture on the internet, they'll surely pay.

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