Chapter 11: Really?

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I looked at the girl who's waiting outside my door while she's staring at me for a long moment until I broke out the silence.

"Come in. I never thought that you guys would come back here again. I thought that, that night will just pass away and we would never see each other again." I smiled at her letting Momo inside.

"Umm.. Actually, I'm the only one who came here. I just want to give you this." she hands me a ticket of their concert for tonight. "This will be the last night of our concert here so I hope you can come."

I saw Momo's hands were shaking and I can feel how nervous she was while she's holding the ticket with both of her hands. My eyes were glued at the VIP ticket. I want to take it but it seems like my mind is stopping me with thoughts of how she got the ticket when their concert tickets were always sold out.

"Really?! Oops. Sorry about that. Can I ask you a question?" she finally looked at me. "How did you get this ticket when your concerts were always sold out?"

"Uhh.. I-i can't tell." she lowered her head again while her hands are still holding the ticket.

I took the ticket on her hands as I can see her struggle. I don't know why she's always having difficulties whenever I talk to her. But, I find that cute. Weird, I should be loyal to my bias.

"I can't stay long here. I have to go back and prepare for tonight. I have to go. Bye Kei-", I reached for her hand and bowed to her.

"Momo-san! Last question please! Why do you have to give me this?"

"Uhhh.. L-let's talk about that when we meet n-next time. I-I really have t-to go.", she gulped as she looked at my hand that's still holding her hand.

"Hai! Thank you Momo! I never know that you are really sweet.", I smiled widely waving at her as she smiled back at me until she went outside.

Momo's POV

Really?! Did I hear that? Did she really called me "sweet"?! She should be ready then! I could be sweeter than what I'm showing her right now. I thought she's disappointed when I gave her the ticket but I saw her sweet smile in the end. That smile made me feel like I'm a billionaire already. When I knocked on the door despite of my nervousness, and when the first and last thing I saw was her smile, it's really worth it.


Me: Yah! Hana! Where are you?

Hana: Why are you searching for me? Do you need something from your prettiest sister?

Me: You're not pretty. By the way, you have a ticket for our concert tonight right?

Hana: Yes, I'm so excited to watch it later.

Me: You can watch it at the backstage.

Hana: What?! I went here to Hiroshima to watch you and you will just let me watch at the backstage? Rude!

Momo: Eh? As if you didn't went here to date with your boyfriend. Come on! I need it! I'll pay you and I'll treat you when I come back home next time! Onegaishimasu!

Hana: Why do you need it? You are a performer there right? Unless if you're going to give it to a special person?

Momo: If you won't give me the ticket, I'll tell my fans about your weird habit!

Hana: Yah! Meet me now at my hotel!

Me: Best sister ever! Aishiteru! xoxo


"You look stupid when you smile like that.", Jeongyeon pulled me out of the car and rushed me inside the dressing room.

Yes, I'm really stupid for her. I gave her tickets just because I really want her to watch us. I mean, I want her to watch me. I really want to see her while I'm performing. I hope I can pull this off.


Me: Mika-chan! Guess what happened!

Mika: You met Twice?

Me: How did you know?! Omfg?! Are you stalking me?

Mika: What?! I'm just guessing the most impossible thing that would happen to you.

Me: It's not! It happened already! Wait, let me call you. I'm too lazy to type right now.

Mika: Really?! In your dreams!

I called Mika and told her everything that happened. At first, she won't believe me and she's saying that maybe it was just a dream that felt true but she gave up when I sent her a picture of the ticket that Momo gave me.

"Oh my gosh! Talk to you later again! I'm late now!", I freaked out when I saw that the concert will begin 3 minutes from now. Gladly, I have prepared myself and my important things before I called Mika.

Momo's POV

I am hiding on the curtains again and is searching for her designated seat. Why isn't she there yet? I'm sweating already since I'm starting to worry if she will come or not.

"Stop playing hide and seek with Sana again, Momo. The show will start in 30 seconds. Prepare yourselves now. Fighting!", the manager comforted all of us.

"She said she can't come right? Then why are you still waiting for her?", Jihyo faced me lowering her voice.

"Jihyo, let's go now!", Mina called her and walked towards me. "Finally, you understood what I've said."

"Yes, I guess it didn't work.", I frowned.

"Be patient Momo. She won't let this opportunity pass.", she cheered me up and did the fighting pose as we got out of the backstage.


I rushed inside and everyone are there already. I'm glad my seat wasn't taken by anyone. It was already starting and I was fascinated by each of their performance that I didn't even notice that Momo was looking towards my direction. I was frozen by how she stared at me and smiled. Really? Why do I feel this whirlwind inside my heart?

The concert finally ended and everyone went back to their homes already. I just got outside as I'm ready to go home until I heard someone shouting my name.

"Keito-chan! Let's go!", I haven't had the chance to look at that unknown person when she grabbed me and pulled me into her arms.

See You When I See You (Twice's Momo X You) ✔Where stories live. Discover now