Chapter 18: Oh My God!

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Momo's POV

I leaned closer on Keito's face and bit the stick. We smiled as we kept on munching the stick. As it gets shorter and shorter, my heart also beats louder and louder as our faces got nearer. We stopped and looked at each other's eyes when it's only an inch long. Oh my God! Should I continue this? Right, I wanna continue this.

"Hey guys! Are you still-", the doorknob suddenly clicked revealing Sana and Mina. "Oh my God! Mina! Quick! Let's leave them alone!"

"What?! Are they doing something?! I told you that we shouldn't interrupt their business!", Mina bobbed her head while Sana is pushing her off.

This pests! What are they doing at this hour?! It could be a romantic moment for me and Keito if they didn't disturbed us here.

"Hey guys! You got it wrong! We're playing Pepero game here!", called out by Keito defensively.

"Ugh! Don't remind me about Pepero game." Mina rolled her eyes as she pulled Sana in our room.

"Hahaha. I saw that! When Sana-san pushed your face and Momo-san's face?", Keito laughed and teased us. "You know? I was flattered at that time. Both of you look cute together."

"Eh?!", me and Mina shouted and glared to each other.

"We are not. Also, Momo is in love with another person.", Mina winked at Keito and looked towards my direction.

"So what are you guys doing here?", I groaned at them.

"We want to play some games and we brought snacks too.", Sana showed her bag that's full of snacks.

"Sure let's have some fun then!", Keito motioned both of them to sit on our bed.

Great! My tummy is going to burst anytime and all I can do is blame them both even if Keito agreed with them.


The sunlight made me woke up and I watched around me as I can see that Momo-san's head is flat on my chest and below my feet, the two girls are there still snoring. I examined Momo's face and it seems like I can see myself on her. There's something on her face that all I could ever think of is myself. Do I look like her? Oh my God! What am I even thinking?!

"Keito? Are you already awake?", she scratched her eyes as she's still stuck on the same position.

"Yes. I'll take a bath later and I'll arrange my things back on its proper places before we leave.", I smiled at her as I caressed her hair. Her hair seems smooth even if she had dyed it so many times.

"I don't want to leave.", she mumbled under her breath. "I don't want you to leave me."

"Are you still dreaming? I'm not going to leave you Momo-san!" I chuckled making her open her eyes.

"You heard what I've said?", she covered her mouth as I nodded.

"What a bunch of early birds!", Mina threw her pillow to Momo as I got hit instead.

"Hey! Hit me but don't ever hit Keito!", Momo took the pillow at me and she hit Mina with a perfect shot.

"Ouch! Oh my God! Was that Keito who got hit instead of you?" Mina took the mattress and covered her face. "Sorry Keito-chan! You can hit me now."

Mina didn't know that it was Momo who's hitting her instead since she's covering her face with a mattress. I laughed silently as Momo keeps on abusing her.

Momo's POV

We're already inside our van as we are taking off. I looked at the place where we stayed overnight and said goodbye to it. I might say goodbye to that place but I can't do the same with the memories.

"Yah! Keito! When are you going back to your hometown?", Nayeon bugged her as she looked back.

"Hmm. I think it's 3 days from now?", she said it with a doubt.

Three days from now? That's already near. She'll be leaving me then. I should not be selfish. She misses her family much like how I felt towards my family.

"Then when are you going back?",Nayeon added pouting.

"I'm going back after New Year. Don't worry, I won't stop communicating with you.",she assured us with her smile.

"Keito, where do you live?", Mina bluntly asked.

"Uhhh.. In Akita!", she shocked us with her loud voice.

The ride was again silent so I stared blankly outside thinking how much I'm going to miss Keito. I suddenly felt a head on my shoulder as I looked at a sleeping Jihyo. I never thought that Jihyo could still look like a goddess even if she's sleeping.


"Bye guys! See you next year!" I waved at them even if I can't see them on the tainted window.

The door suddenly opened and I saw Momo went down. She took my bag again and walked towards my room. I wonder why she just took my bag and didn't even bother to talk to me. I took the bag from her and rummaged inside to find the key and I opened the door.

"Hey Momo! I'm already here." I waved both of my hands on her eyes as I noticed that she's staring blankly anywhere.

"Let me stay here for a moment.", she took her phone and did something to it.

"How about the other members?", I asked her as she went inside.

"No need to worry. I told them to go home already.", she grabbed my arm pulling me inside.

What's up with her? Why is she being moody? Last night, she seems so gentle and right now it's like she's being rude and bossy.

"I'm sorry if I'm being rude.", she bowed down and hugged me. Oh my God! Did she just read my mind? How did she know that I'm thinking how rude she is?

"Do you have any problem Momo-san?" I hugged her back while I patted her back. "It seems like you're not in the mood. Monthly period?"

"Nope.", she ended our hug and sat on the sofa. "Keito? How will you know if you have already fallen with someone?"

Oh my God! Why is she asking such things to me? I might have dated some folks before but, I didn't take them seriously. What am I going to answer?

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