Chapter 27: Ice Cream

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During our game, I was fantasized by the colorful poster that was raised near our bench. I looked towards that side and I saw Momo winking at me making me blush. We won the game and I gained enough points though I'm not the "Player of the Game".

"Keito-senpai! You're so good in basketball! Can you sign this?", girls who were a bit younger than me immediately swarmed the place.

"Eh? I'm not even the one who got the highest point.", I scratched my head and  smiled at them.

"It doesn't matter. You were still good for us.", they said making me take their pens as I signed their stuffs.

After signing, I went on the changing room as I want to change my wet jersey. As I searched inside my bag, I realized that I forgot to bring an extra shirt.

"I brought a shirt for you Babe.", someone wiped the sweat on my forehead making me look at her.

"How did you know that I forgot to bring an extra shirt?", I asked her.

"I didn't know. I just brought this cause I care a lot for you.", she hugged me as I pushed her away.

"I don't like hugs especially when I'm wet! You might be turned off because of my odor. Sorry, but I love you.", I apologized to her.

"Eww. Momo unnie's line is too eww.", Tzuyu spoke out making me laugh as Momo scolded her.

Momo's POV

"I never know that you have a lot of fangirls.", I teased Keito as we decided to grab a lunch nearby. "You're famous even when you're not an idol!"

"I agree! Keito might be more famous than us if she becomes an idol.", Nayeon nodded.

"But, not as famous as me.", Tzuyu said making me pinch her.

"Ehh?! They were just blind.", Keito shrugged it off.

"Don't you want to be an idol Keito? You have talent and looks. Why don't you join in our company?", Nayeon asked Keito seriously.

"No way. I don't want to have a dating ban, sleepless nights, hard trainings, and even complicated schedules. I hate all of them." Keito said while smashing her food.

I agree, we're still banned on dating someone and here I am dating Keito. The complicated schedules also which made me worry before, that I'm going to lose Keito. Being an idol is really hard then.

As we we're walking towards our home, we bought some ice cream due to our sudden cravings.

"Momo.", Nayeon said with a worry on her voice. "Did you know that we stayed here for a long time already?"

Long time? Wait, our manager said that we would stay here for a month, right? How many weeks did we stay here then? That's four weeks! Which means we're going back to Korea by this week!

"Momo unnie, you're ice cream is melting.", Tzuyu said while she wiped my hand with a tissue.

"Momo, are you okay?", Nayeon hugged me.

"Yes, I am.", that's all I could say.


It's been two days since I haven't seen Momo. I've been tired with my sport that as soon as I got home, I immediately sleep. Why are the Twice members still here in Japan? Are they having a taping here? Forget about that, I want them to stay here anyways.

Momo: Babe, let's meet up. I missed you.

Me: I'm tired. I just arrived home.

Momo: I'm coming already. Please.

Me: Okay. Fine. I'll just take a bath. Just open the door when you arrive here.

I just got inside the comfort room when I felt that someone came inside. Momo is really fast. She really is like herself on their Signal music video.

"Babe! Make it fast! I'm impatient!", she called out making me rattle.

"Geez! No need to shout there!", I answered back.

When I got out from the comfort room, she suddenly hugged me tightly as if she doesn't want to let go. I don't know but I can sense that something's wrong with her or maybe she just missed me so bad.

"Yah! Momo! I'm only wearing my towel!", I told her so that she will set me free but she didn't.

"Babe! Let me change first! The towel might untie! Do you want to see me naked?", I exclaimed making her laugh.

"Can I?", she finally let go as I pushed her outside and locked the door.

"Pervert!", I shouted as I put my clothes on.

Momo's POV


After eating our ice cream, we went home being gloomy just because of the things we talked about. Manager-nim is sitting on our sofa already as it seems like they're waiting for us.

"Where did the three of you go?", Manager-nim asked us.

"We just walked around Manager-nim. Don't worry about us. Why are you here?", Nayeon said in behalf of us.

"I'm just here to announce that after those days you have rested, we will work again.", the words I feared were finally spoken from the mouth of our manager. "We'll go back to Korea three days from now."

Everyone looked at me and we nodded sadly to manager-nim before he left. I went to my room and locked the door. I need rest. I don't want to go out of this room anymore.

*End of Flashback*

I took her to our secret place and we sat there and watched the pond. The pond was glittering with many butterflies flying around this time.

"The butterflies are so fantastic! Why did they appear here just now? Why aren't they here before?", Keito said as her eyes were shining even if I was just silent the whole time.

"Can butterflies fly even to other places Babe?", I stupidly asked her.

"I guess so  since they say that there are different species of butterflies arriving on a country that belonged to another country.", she nodded with a smile that it hurts to look at her innocent smile.

"Even to Korea?", I asked her again not caring if I seemed to be a stupid person.

"Yes, even to Korea."

"Butterflies are cool then! Do you want to be a butterfly?", I asked her with a pain inside my heart.

Please say yes. I just want you to say yes even if I can't take you to Korea. I just want to know if you're willing enough to be with me.

"Butterflies are truly wonderful. They are colorful and they can fly anywhere they want to go. But if I will become a butterly, I can't love you then. Humans can only love humans. It's also enough that it feels like I'm flying whenever I'm with you and there's a lot of colors that I can see just by being at your side. So I'll always be a human.", she smiled at me as she hugged me.

I might be expecting the answer I want her to say. But I guess, she's more clever than me. Her answer is the most perfect thing I've ever heard in my life.

"Let's eat this ice cream before it melts.", I said as she gladly took it.

"Hmm. This ice cream is tasty!", she enjoyed it. "I want this taste to last forever!"

If she only knows that the ice cream tastes bitter for me. If she only knows that I don't want this ice cream to melt.

"Let me melt it on you if you don't want the ice cream to melt.", I told her as I leaned on her face.

I kissed her passionately. I'm only hungry for her. I'll soon be starving then. This thing that's clenching my heart just because of this sacred kiss, I hate this. Perhaps, melt with me cause I don't want you to wait. When I'm already gone, please think of other ways to make you happy.

"Let's stay a little longer Babe.", I said as I broke of our kiss yet, I kissed her again.

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