Chapter 10: Help me Baby

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"Oh? It was Momo then? So, she's a good girl. I thought she's childish.", my eyes disappeared while giggling.

"She became mature because of you. Just kidding. She's still a baby.", Tzuyu looked at Momo who's hiding on Jihyo's back. Jihyo doesn't even move. She looked like she was bored or maybe she was just tired because of the events that happened in her life today.

"How about we call this a night?", Jihyo stood up heading outside.

"Yes. Right. Good night guys! Keep safe and rest well! I know how tired you are today.", I lead them towards the door.

"K-keito! Before I forgot..." there's a long pause after Momo let me hear her voice for the first time. "W-why didn't you come to our concert?"

"Oh that. I'm sorry. I can't afford it Momo-san. Maybe, next time? I cannot really promise. I can't even cone tomorrow.", I pinched her still red cheeks.

I didn't know why I did that. My hand just urged me to that and I felt bad when her cheeks went redder than before. Maybe, she's a shy type person and maybe she doesn't like having a skin contact with a stranger. I looked straight to her eyes and I saw her looking at me already, yet, she avoided having an eye contact with me also.

Momo's POV

"I-i should go, K-keito. My members are p-probably waiting o-outside." I rushed outside and entered the car.

"What happened there Unnie?" I jumped recklessly when I heard a scary whisper.

"Dahyun-ah! Don't do that again! You know how I get scared easily! Neomuhae!" she laughed at me together with Sana.

"Why are you laughing together with me?! And why are you here beside me?!", Dahyun suddenly whined when she heard Sana's laugh beside her.

"Yes! I can laugh! And yes I'm beside you! I'm not stupid! Don't ask me why!", Sana answered back. Until both of them are arguing making all of the members laugh while here I am in deep thoughts as I look outside the window.

Why did I act like that when I talked to her? Why did I even talk to her in the first place? Why does it felt like I was satisfied when my name came out from her lips? Why did my heart pounced like that when she pinched my cheeks? Why did I ran out? It will make her think how childish I am. I want her to see how serious and mature I am.


I woke up late in the morning and fixed my room cause I haven't cleaned the mess last night when the Twice members left me. As I was cleaning, I saw message on my phone.

Ai-san: Let's date.

Me: What date are you talking about?! I'm a law abiding citizen. So, shut up.

Ai-san: Geez, I wouldn't date a person like you. I just want to meet up with you and take the reports from you. 😒

Me: And what reports are you talking about?

Ai-san: Baka! You haven't read the whole paper I gave to you last time?! 😡

I searched for the paper she gave me and read it carefully. It's true! It's just below the rule number 5.

"Make two reports about your observations and what you have learned during classes. Pass it on weekends."

Oh my gosh! Maybe I got caught up with the fifth rule that I forgot there's still a sixth rule. I rushed opening my laptop and typed as many words as I can even though my message seems like a trash. I didn't mind the phone messages I received. I have to finish this as soon as I can. Grrr! Who's knocking on my door right now?!

"Open this! I'll help you!", I heard Ai-san shouting. I opened the door and quickly went back to the laptop.

"Why didn't you finish this Keito? You owe me a date after this.", she smirked at me.

"Can you just shut up and don't disturb me if you're not going to help me!", I yelled at her.

"Rude. I can send you back to your country even if you're done with this."

"You cannot." I stucked my tongue at her.

"Why can't I?", she faced me.

"Cause you love me. Like duh. Admit it already.", I continued typing on my laptop.

"Feeler. Stop flirting with me. It's not working.", she helped me by working the page two on her own laptop.

Wow! She's so sincere and she really wants to help me! I stood up and offered her a snack while we continued working.

Momo's POV

"Missing her already?", Mina talked to me while we are lying down on our beds. "Why don't you visit her then? You know her place already."

"You know that we have our second day of concert tonight, right? So I have to focus." I stared on the ceiling.

"She still won't be coming on our concert?", she sat up.

"She said she can't afford it."

"Then, you can't afford her too.", she stood up and threw me her penguin plushie again.

"Yah! Why are you always being like this huh? You want to fight me?! Come back here Myoui Mina! Let's fight! What afford are you talking about! She's not for sale! She doesn't have a price!",

I stopped yelling when I finally understand what Mina was talking about. Damn! That smart girl! Though she could have said it to me directly.


I was already done with my report and Ai-san already went to the office to pass my papers. I wonder if Ai-san would come back. I hope she will or else I'll be lonely throughout the day. I heard another knock on my door and I quickly stood up and opened the door.

"Hey! You're back!" I smiled at the latter.

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