Chapter 29: I'm Missing You

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Momo's POV

"You just have to take a long rest Momo.", the doctor assured me that it's just a fever.

"Sure, thanks doctor.", I said in a soft voice feeling bad because of my headache.

The doctor smiled at me and talked to the other members and to my manager. They all frowned as they talked with him.

"Yah! Momo, how are you feeling now?", Jeongyeon approached me and sat on the bed.

"Still not feeling well.", I answered with a pout.

"You know what?", Mina joined with us. "Keito's a medical student right? She will proceed medicine. Imagine that, that doctor was Keito."

"You're very funny Mina!", Sana slapped Mina's arm making everyone chuckle. "The doctor might be pretty but that doesn't mean she will beat Keito in Momo's heart."

Yes, she's right. I can't do that. It seems like I've exchanged Keito for that doctor if I'm going to think of her as Keito.

"Fine. Just imagine Keito being angry cause your not getting better.", Mina glared at us.

"As if she's going to be mad at me.", I shrugged and laughed.

This whole week, I haven't gotten out of my bed just because I'm not feeling well. I always feel sleepy, I feel cold, and much more, I feel lost.

"You haven't contacted Keito anymore Momo?", Dahyun asked me as she sat on my other side.

"Pabo! How can she talk to Keito with her situation?", Jeongyeon said.


"Keito-chan?", Ai-san tapped my shoulder as we are on the field watching a football game.

"Yes Ai-san?", I answered looking at her.

"Did you know that Momo's father was a football player before?", she said and stopped talking when she realized that I ignored her. "Sorry, I won't mention her again."

"I'll go back to my dorm. I have so many things to do.", I stood up and left her.

"Keito!", Ai-san hugged me behind the back. "I'm so sorry in behalf of my cousin. She'll come back for you Keito! I swear."

"We don't have to do PDA here. Fifth rule right?", I turned to face her and grinned. "Besides, I trust Momo to come back here. It's just, I feel lonely."

Where is she right now that I really need her? Every night, I search for her and expect for a surprise. I'm missing you. I might leave soon. I cannot wait any longer.

*1 month after*

"I'm going to miss you Keito.", Ai-san hugged me tightly as she carried my things.

It's my last day here in Japan which means I'm going back to my country. It's sad that I haven't even saw Momo before going back. We haven't even communicated with each other anymore.

"Ai-san! Don't worry! I'll come back here once I've saved enough money. Ahem... my name's not Keito.", I smiled at her with tears on my eyes. "I'm going to miss you so bad too."

"How about me?", Mika came near us and hugged me too.

"Of course! But, no need since you're going to visit Philippines next month.", I stucked my tongue at her.

"Y/N! You have to go now!", Ai-san said as both of them waved to say goodbye to me.

"I'm going to miss you guys! I'm going to miss this country!"

Momo's POV

"Momo! We have a big problem!", Mina appeared on the room panicking. "Open your phone and watch some websites about us."

I opened my phone and scanned for some issues. What the heck! It's a photo of me and Keito hugging together. There are also articles revealing that we have a relationship together. If PD-nim will find out about this, it's over for our group, it's over for me.

"What are you going to do now Momo?", she caressed my back like she's more worried than me.

"I don't know. Right now, I'm thinking of how to surprise Keito when we go back to Japan next week.", I shrugged and ignored the issue. "It's a good timing that the Valentine's is on next week already."

"Momo! Can you please focus? We have to fix this. Even Keito could be in danger just because of this issue!"

"Momo jjang, PD- nim called for you.", Sana peeked on the door and called for me. "He said you have to go there tonight to explain everything."

"And why is this photo just posted right now when it's been a month since this happened?!", Mina raged making Sana close the door.

"I don't know.", I frowned.

"Do you think someone might have revealed this? This is on purpose and it seems like he or she is planning for something."

Mina's right. Who should be the suspects? If I were to think about it, it would be Jihyo and my cousin, Ai. Jihyo's against our relationship while I think Ai likes Keito since she can even show Keito another side of her that she haven't shown to others.


"Explain this to me.", JYP glared at me making me underestimated. "You know you still have a dating ban right? So what's this?"

"That was nothing. It's just, she helped Jihyo when Jihyo was being followed by the paparazzi and in exchange, since I am her bias, I gave her a hug for protecting our leader-nim.", I tried saying it directly and gladly, I did it.

"Is that so?", he asked raising his brow as I nodded. "You have to explain it to the whole interview tomorrow morning then."


Me: Ai-san?

Ai: Have you arrived already Keito? It's your fault that I have to create a Facebook account just for us to chat!

Me: Yes, I have arrived awhile ago. I'm sad.

Ai: Why is it so?

Me: If ever you meet Momo again Ai-san, can you please never reveal any of my informations?

Ai: Why? Your contract on our school has already ended. You're free already Keito.

Me: Please.

Ai: Are you alright?

Me: I am.

After sending my reply, she suddenly called me and I felt relieved when I heard her voice. I explained everything to her and the reason why I didn't want her to tell Momo about me. I cried as we ended our call. I'm missing you Momo, but I'm sorry.

Momo's POV

I rushed to Keito's dorm and knocked so many times. I want to surprise her and hug her. I really wanna see her, touch her, hold her, cause I'm missing her. I knocked for 3 minutes already yet, there's no answer. I took the spare key and opened the door revealing a bare and dark room with no things inside.

"Keito.", I called for her and called for her name outside. "Where are you?! I miss you already!"

"What are you doing here?", I searched for the voice.

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