Chapter 17: Lucky To Have You

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Momo's POV

As we entered on our dining room for our dinner, I saw Keito talking to Jihyo. I looked away and sat on my seat.

"Is there any problem Momo?", I heard Tzuyu asking me.

"Nah, I'm alright. I'm just not on the mood.", I sighed.

While we're having our dinner, everyone is silent that only the clattering of chopsticks and plates could only be heard. I glanced a little at Keito who was observing everyone. I got up after I'm done eating and went outside.

"Momo-san! Wait!", I heard Keito's heavy breathing and I turned around putting a fake smile on my face.

"I want to go with you.", she's still catching her breath.

"You don't have to Keito-chan. It's okay." I assured her bitterly. "Jihyo's there for you."

"Eh? Come on.", she ignored me as she walked straight.

This hardheaded girl. I wonder why she's here with me now. I guess I'm not that unlucky at all as I have this girl by my side.


"Where are you taking me?", I asked her as we are walking with a distance between us.

"Eh. Be patient. We're near there already." Momo said while she wasn't even glancing at me.

We arrived on a beautiful garden where there are fireflies circling around us like there's magic in the air. My mouth is wide open when I saw that it was an indoor garden yet the colors were filling the whole place gracefully.

"H-how did you discover such place?", I looked at her while my eyes were sparkling.

"I asked the staffs if there's a refreshing place here and I'm glad that they pointed me here.", she chuckled showing me her eye smile. "The scenery is so good, isn't it?"

"You don't have to ask me! The place is perfectly outstanding!", I hugged her tightly for a minute never letting go. It's my sign of thanksgiving. I guess I made the right decision in choosing her.

Momo's POV

We looked around the garden and I saw the amazement in Keito's eyes. It seems like she's a nature lover like me. I'm glad that she went here with me. I'm so lucky to have her at this moment.

"Hey Keito? Since we're already here and we want to get close to each other, how about we share about ourselves?" I eyed at her.

"Hmm. What do you want to know? Feel free to ask me.", she gently smiled at me.

"How old are you already?"

"I'm 19."

"Woah! I'm 3 years older than you!", I gasped as I examined her face who looks younger than her age.

"Yup, you are.", she teased me as she wrinkled her nose.

We talked about so many things including our personal lives and even our goals in the future. We even took a selfie on both our phones. I hope she won't be confused why I'm not staring at the camera. I hope she won't doubt why I'm looking at her. I don't want this night to end but, time is cruel, it ended so quickly as if it doesn't want us to enjoy.


It's already midnight so we went back to our rooms, washed ourselves, and changed our clothes. I'm already lying on the bed and minutes after, she followed me. We stayed still in silence as our backs are facing.

"Keito?",mumbled by Momo. "Let's not call this as a night yet, please."

"What else should we do then?" I turned around and I didn't know that she's already facing me which made our faces close by a few inches.

"I have snacks. Let's have a midnight snack.", she suddenly stood up and rushed to the refrigerator.

I also stood up and helped her take out the snacks on the refrigerator. She placed multiple snacks on the refrigerator and I wonder why she doesn't get fat. I also don't get fat even if I eat a huge amount of rice and viand.

"You try to taste this. This is from Korea and you cannot find it here.", she sat up on the bed and offered me the bag of chips.

"It doesn't fit my taste!", I fetched myself a water and went back to Momo. "It's too salty!"

"You don't like this? I'm sorry. Let's taste the other snacks then.", she scratched her head and opened some bag of chips.

I wonder if Momo is always being like this with her members. I wonder why the other members won't fall in love with such cute and gentle girl. The one who will end up with Momo is such a lucky person then.

Momo's POV

We finished many snacks and it seems like she could finally tell which were the ones she's in favor with. Based on my observation, she likes hot and spicy foods. She seems innocent but her mouth is breathing out a fire like a dragon's. And the last snack that we're going to try is the Pepero. I didn't move it since I don't want us to be awkward just for a snack.

"Momo-san! I know this snack! I want this please!", she pouted as she held the Pepero.

"Keito are you sure with that?", I unbelievably asked her.

"Why not? Please.", she gave me another cute pout of hers that I was lured in.

I took a Pepero stick out of the small box and stared at her lips. Her red lips that's untouchable for anybody. I placed the stick on my lips as I stared at her that she seems to show off her glowing smile.

"Yah! Momo-san! Waruii! Why did you eat it? I want it!", she whined as she pounced her head on the pillow. If only she wants my lips instead of this stupid stick

"Too bad Keito-chan. I want it for myself too.", I took another stick and ate it in slow motion trying to impress Keito with my charms.

She hid her face below the pillow and just as I'm about to finish the last stick, she took it from my hands and placed it on her lips.

"You're greedy with this thing right? If you want this, then, come and get it.", she pointed her finger on the stick.

If you only knew that I'm more greedy with you Keito than that stick, you'd already think if you're lucky or unlucky.

See You When I See You (Twice's Momo X You) ✔Where stories live. Discover now