Chapter 30: I Don't Wanna Cry

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Momo's POV

"I said what are you doing here? Keito's not here anymore. You're not even allowed to come here.", Ai approached me as she's giving me a harsh look.

"Why are you being like that? Where's Keito?", I asked her with a stern look.

"Finally! You've decided to search for her!", she shouted throwing her hands in the air. "I thought you don't even care for her anymore. You didn't even message her, go back here as soon as you can, and you decided to change her for a new guy."

"What are you talking about?", I clenched my fist preparing to punch my cousin.

"Are you being ignorant?!", she yelled making me punch her.

"I said! I don't know what you're talking about!"

"If I were you, don't search for her anymore. She doesn't love you.", she turned her back caressing her wounded lips. "She loves me."

"She loves me". Those words echoed in my ears making me feel sick like I'm going to puke. Is Ai being serious?

"Take it back!", I launched my fist to her but she luckily dodged it. "I know that you're the one who uploaded that photo on the internet cause you want to ruin us!"

"What the heck is your problem?!", she pushed me away and we wrestled together. "I don't want to ruin Keito's reputation! I can steal her anytime from you!"

"Momo! Let me and Keito be happy together!", I stopped as she yelled. "We love each other! I'm in love with her before you met each other! In the end, she realized that she loves me than you when you left."

So I was right. Ai is in love with my Keito. I saw it inside her eyes. How she talks and treats Keito differently compared to others. I should've known about this. I don't wanna cry and act stupid. Keito, where did you go? Don't play around, I know you're here.

"Please, let her go.", we stopped struggling.



I'm on the mall with my friends as they are so excited to see me. We're currently talking about what happened to me in Japan

"Y/N! This is you right? They said it was taken from Japan.", Ally showed me her phone and my mind went blank when I saw Momo and I on the Koreaboo page.

"Can I borrow your phone for a  moment Ally?", I requested her as I scrolled and even watched a video of Momo being interviewed.

"Once! You don't have to worry! I'm not dating anybody. She's just a part of your fandom and that we thanked her for saving Jihyo.", she said plainly.

There's still a chaos and many reporters were asking Momo so many questions making her feel uncomfortable.

"Exuse me.", a voice interrupted the hall making the people focus on the latter. "Actually, Momo is reserved for me after their dating ban. We have talked about this to each other that we're going to date after their dating ban."

My heart is throbbing listening to his statement. Is this true? Does Momo know about this? Is that the reason why she didn't even bother to talk to me anymore? Don't she like me anymore that's why she left me?

"Is that true?", people gasped as EXO's Kai said those things.

"Yes, that's true.", Kai looked at Momo.

The way he looks at her, it seems true. He's being true to his feelings. Don't she love me anymore? I need a person I could talk to about this. Ai-san is the person I could depend on with this.

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