Chapter 23: Next Page

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"You can call me Babe then.", Momo said proudly as I gasped.

"Hey! Why should I call you that?!" I freaked out.

"You said we're together now right?", she pouted as she did an aegyo to me.

"Who told you that?! I just said that maybe we could try but I didn't say that we're together now!"

"So what do you mean then?", she stopped doing her aegyo as she looked serious now.

"Hmm. I mean... Maybe mutual understanding for now?", she laughed as I said that. "Hey! What are you laughing about! It's not funny."

"So you mean, I should court you first before we are going to have a romantic relationship?", she kept on laughing as she said that.

"Yes Pabo!", I rolled my eyes.

"Just call me Momo for now then.", she winked at me.

If she's not just my second bias, I would have spilt the coffee on her face. I can't do that. She's too cute to handle.

Momo's POV

After our coffee date, we went back to her dorm and planned to watch some movies. We sat beside each other and watched "Upside Down". As the movie goes on, I noticed that whenever Keito's reacting to the movie she speaks on a foreign language, English. How could she be fluent in English yet not that fluent in Japanese. They speak Spanish in Spain right?

"Yah! Momo! Look at that! Those poor couple. They went through a lot.", tears were visible on her eyes as I gently wiped it off.

The movie is indeed a sad movie where two people are in love with each other but they're both in different worlds and the struggle they faced was that it's hard for them to see each other since it is not allowed for them to enter on a different world. If it's not because of the guy's perseverance, they wouldn't end up together. That guy is my role model, I'm willing to do anything for my soon-to-be lady.

"Keito.", I turned to her and saw her sleeping well.

I turned off the television and carried Keito in a bridal style to her room. Maybe crying very hard makes her eyes feel sleepy. I smiled as I placed her on the bed and covered her with a blanket. I left her sleeping tightly as I locked the door.

"How did it went?", the members immediately approached me when I arrived home.

"Very well.", I smiled gracefully.

"Yes!", they cheered.

"She said we could try but it seems like I'll be the one to try.", I laughed and they laughed together with me.

"Good guy. You're turning to the next page.", Jeongyeon patted my shoulder.

Mentioning the next page, all of the members suddenly sang our "Next Page" song making me flattered. I sang along with them feeling the lyrics inside my heart.


"Yah! Keito! Open this door!", I heard Mika shouting outside as I lazily walked towards the door.

"What are you doing here?" I rubbed my eyes looking at her. "I'm still sleepy."

"Look at yourself! What happened to you?!", she suddenly laughed making me run to the mirror.

Gosh! Why are my eyes so puffy?! Did I cry this much?! Did Momo saw me being like this?! Wait, where's Momo by the way?

"Momo! Where are you?", I called for her name making Mika chuckle behind me.

"I smell something fishy.", she smirked. "Why are you searching for her? Did she come here?"

I talked everything that happened to Mika and she said that she's going to support whatever decision I'm going to make. I'm glad that I have a friend like her. I opened my phone when I got a message.

Momo: Let's spend the whole week together Keito-chan.

Me: Are you asking me out?

Momo: Can't I?

Me: Of course, you can.

She suddenly called me on the phone asking about the rest of my day that I totally forgot my friend's existence.

"Yah! Am I being replaced?", Mika whined while eating a snack. "I never thought that I'll be forgotten just because of love."

"Oh! You never told me that Mika is there. I never would have bothered you then." Momo laughed on the line. "Say hello to my future cousin-in-law. Bye for now Keito."

With that, she ended the call as I blushed while Mika is teasing me. Future? So she's really serious to me?

Momo's POV

"Yah! What's this?!", Nayeon pointed the screen of my phone to my face.

"Yah! Why do you have my phone? And why are you reading my inbox?", I grabbed the phone from her hand.

"You think I'll be happy with that? It's so disrespectful!", Nayeon scolded me while Jeongyeon took the phone from my hands and immediately read my messages with Keito.

"Yah! Momo! How many times do I have to tell you to treat a girl right!", she scolded me too.

"What are you guys talking about?!", I covered my ears.

"If you want to ask her for a date, ask her personally not just through text!" Jeongyeon kept on dictating while Nayeon is nodding.

After their long sermon, I finally closed my eyes and massaged my head. But they are right, if I want to turn to the next page, I have to put a lot of effort.

"Geez. They seem like your parents.", Mina gave me a glass of water.

"More than my parents.", I rolled my eyes and drank the water.

It's been a week that I'm going out with Keito and I followed my so-called parents' advice. Tomorrow is going to be the day I'm going to ask her to be mine. Tomorrow is going to be the day I'm turning the next page.


My phone keeps on ringing making me wake up just to answer the caller. I swear I'm going to let the caller taste my anger for disturbing my lovely sleep. It's already midnight.

"WHY ARE YOU CALLING AT THIS TIME OF HOUR?!", I yelled loudly releasing a bit of my anger.

"Ehh? Keito calm down.", as soon as I heard the voice of the caller, I immediately calmed down. "Go outside your dorm now."

I ended the call and fixed myself a bit then I went outside. I saw Momo when I opened the door and she smiled at my sight. It was the first time she didn't bring a rose for me.

"Wondering why I didn't bring you a rose?", she smiled and took something from her pocket. "Let's turn another page."

She took my hand and tied a red string on my pinky finger and she gestured me to tie the other tip to her pinky finger. Why is this a different thing? But I like this better than a thousand roses. We went to the park while we are attached by the string.

"The park doesn't have many people right now. Unbelievable.", her breath smoked on the cold air.

"Why is it so?", I looked around trying to find a person.

"Yah! Can you please don't look for another person? I'm right here!", she pulled me by the string.

I laughed as we sat on a bench under a withered tree and a dim light revealing shadows on our faces. Silhouette is damn beautiful especially when it is shown on the person right in front of me.

"Keito.", she stared deeply on my soul. "I wanna ask you something."

"Sure, go on.", I assured her.

"Let's make things clear.", she grasped my shoulders. "Can you be mine? Can we turn onto the next page?"

As she said those words, I fell silent. No words are coming out from my mouth. What am I going to answer?

See You When I See You (Twice's Momo X You) ✔Where stories live. Discover now