Chapter 6: Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest

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"Hey! I'm sorry I'm so very late! Y/N-" Before Mika can finish on mentioning my name, I shoved a cookie to her mouth.

"I'm sorry but please don't call me Y/N. I have to keep my personal life a secret to anyone since it is a rule from my temporary school." I whispered to her ear. "Kindly call me Raguna Keito."

"Keito?! That's such a funny name! Why did they name you Kei-" I shoved another cookie on her mouth.

"Lower your voice! You are ruining me!"

"Sorry. Sorry. Keito-senpai!", she giggled. "You already ordered. Did you pay for this?"

"Nope. The cookies were free since that masked girl and I helped the waitress awhile ago." I leaned to point the masked girl but I ended up frowning when I saw that they already left.

"Are you pointing to a momo (ghost in our dialect)?", she whispered seriously.

Yes. She seems like a ghost. She appeared on my sight and brought chills inside my bones that made me frightened about such feeling. I saw her but, she disappeared on my view. I'm so dumb.

"Hello? Stop pointing there! You look like a dumb person for 2 minutes!", she pulled my hands.

"Anyways, Mika-chan! You will still pay for my coffee!"

We talked for an hour reminiscing out memories and laughing out loud talking about how crazy and complicated our lives are.

Momo's POV

I went directly to our practice room, turned a hip hop song on, and danced myself expressing my emotions. I don't know why I felt such energy crawling in my nerves since I met that stranger. I danced and danced not realizing that I almost danced for 3 hours already.

"Freshen up yourself fool. Our schedule will begin in an hour.", Jeongyeon called out to me.

I picked my stuffs up and prepared myself for our schedule. I didn't feel tiredness in my body despite of random for almost 3 hours. I guess I'm getting used to being an idol more each day.


I strolled around the city by myself, wandering and familiarizing the place. It's a pity that I have to go alone since Mika has a part-time job and she won't be out until 6 pm. I'm starting to admire the place as I saw many mascots running around and many fantastic food chains on the corner. How I wish I would have some company. I also saw Twice stuffs on a store and I looked around the store smiling like a stupid.

"Do you want to buy that?", the store owner asked me.

"It costs much. I don't have to spend a huge amount of money for that." I bowed to the owner.

"They look pretty. Don't you think so? They will be having a concert here next week."

"Seriously?!", I cupped my face.

"Yup. It was on the news and they have arrived here yesterday. People gathered around the airport yesterday when one of the fans saw Tzuyu accidentally."

So that's the reason why the airport yesterday was swarming with hordes! And the van that I almost opened could be their ride!

I slapped my head and massaged it lightly as I pinched my eyes close. I never thought that my favorite girl group was just near me yesterday. We breathe the same air and we're on the same space. I went outside the store and bought an ice cream to cool down myself.

How I wish I could turn back the time and made my way on the crowd just to catch a glimpse on one of them. Still, I'm lucky to be near them... But unlucky to not see them...

Momo's POV

"And 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and done!", our trainer put her hands up in the air. "Momo! You were so very good! Continue being like that! I like that aura, girl!"

"Kamsahamnida!", I smiled as I sat down and wiped my sweat.

"Perks of being in love", Chaeyoung teased me as she sat beside.

"Who's in love? Momoring cannot be in love!", Jihyo suddenly interrupted us. I wonder why Jihyo seems to be mad whenever the members tease me today when she's even shipping Nayeon and Jeongyeon.

"Geez. Jihyo-unnie, it's not like it's a bad thing that Momo would have a crush. Look! She even performed well! You can sense how jolly she was!", Dahyun patted Jihyo's back.

"Ji, don't worry! You're right. I am not in love. They're only saying those things cause they are the one who's in love with that stranger.", everyone stared at me.

"Continue being dumb Momo!", Jeongyeon stood up and threw the empty water bottle to me.

"Hey! That's physical assault!", I glared at Jeongyeon when the bottle hit my forehead.

"Gosh! Since when did you encounter such word?", Nayeon gasped.

"You haven't noticed how smart I was cause you're the dumbest here.", I laughed and ran outside hoping she won't catch me.

Ahhh! What a cold evening! I looked at my watch and saw that it's still 6 pm. It would be better if I roam around the city after a long and tiring day.


I discovered a silent place where you can see the buildings under this little hill. I placed my earphones on my ears and imagined many things. I can feel how cold the air was even though the snow isn't falling right now. The street lights were like diamonds in my eyes but I am longing for only one diamond.

"Finally, I found you. What's a beautiful girl like you doing here? It's dark here.", I realized that my right ear cannot hear the melody of the music anymore instead, I heared a soothing voice and felt a breath on my ear.

See You When I See You (Twice's Momo X You) ✔Where stories live. Discover now