Chapter 14: We'll Be Okay

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Momo's POV

"What?! Manager-nim! Why so sudden?!", Nayeon complained while the members were siding with Nayeon.

"That's unfair! I thought we still have another week! This is so stressful.", added by Mina who's pouting.

This is it. This is what Jihyo meant. I think this is for the best so that we wouldn't be too close to each other. For her not to get hurt if I leave her.

"Attention!", Manager-nim's voice echoed throughout our place. "You did not even let me finish yet!"

"What do you mean?", Jihyo asked him with a serious tone.

"We will leave tomorrow for a trip to Megahira Hot Spring. It's just located here in Hiroshima!", everyone suddenly shouted cheerfully and I also laughed with them. "And also, PD-nim told me that we are going to extend our stay in here for a month to relax after all your hard work!"

"Told you. You'll be okay.", Tzuyu nudged at me as I smiled widely.


I went to the field and cherished my moments here in school for we won't have our classes due to our Christmas break. I waited for Ai-san who went to get us a food until I saw a message on my phone.

Unknown: Keito! This is me Nayeon! 😍

I'm glad that Nayeon-unnie messaged me since the boredom of watching the bare field is killing me. I got another message from her. I guess she's a fast typewriter then.

Nayeon: Are you available for tomorrow or do you still have a class?

Me: Hi unnie! I'm not really sure. Why? Do you want to hangout? 😊

Nayeon: Please come with us Keito. We are going to stay overnight at the Megahira Hot Spring and the whole members are asking for you to come especially her. 😉

Me: I'll try my best to come with you guys. 😂

Nayeon: And don't forget, you have to bring a bathing suit. It's a requirement. 😉

Me: The place's requirement? Or your requirement? 😒

Nayeon: Her requirement 😂

Me: Whatever Unnie

Nayeon: Just text me tomorrow if you're going to come with us. We will fetch you on your dorm. 😘

Me: Sure Unnie. Thank you so much.

"Texting with your lover?" I never noticed that Ai-san is just right beside me. "You didn't even know that I was sitting here beside you."

"Sorry and nope, just texting with a new friend I've just met.", I told her as I took my food from her hands.

Momo's POV

"I can't believe that we will stay here for a month! It means that our time to spend together with Keito is going to extend too.", I heard Sana talking about Keito so I chuckled at her.

This is the best Christmas gift for me. I have to stay with her for a long time. I thought I'm going to lose her in a glimpse of time. But no, we'll be okay.

"When are you going to take her for a date?" Mina's voice interrupted my previous thoughts as I blushed at the thought of asking Keito for a date.

"Yah! Mina! Don't you think it's too early for that? I have to get close to her first!" I complained making her laugh.

"Did I hear that right? That our Momo is going to know Keito first before asking her for a date? Woah! That was so mature.", Jeongyeon tickled me.

"Stop that!", I laughed and I tried to escape on Jeongyeon's hands.

"You have to start packing your things now guys! We'll wake up early tomorrow!", Jihyo suddenly called us.

I hope she will come. I hope I can take her anywhere tomorrow. I hope she'll be happy spending her time with me. I hope we'll be alone together. I hope we'll be okay.


I asked for Mika's help in packing my things and in choosing good clothes to look presentable in front of the Twice members. It's a good thing that she eagerly went here and helped me since I cannot ask help from Ai-san.

"Mika-chan, wait for a moment please. I forgot to tell Nayeon-unnie that I will come with them tomorrow.", I took my phone and messaged Nayeon.

Me: Nayeon-unnie! Good evening! I have already decided. 😊

She haven't replied as I guess she's busy packing also. Nayeon is the type of person that always gets excited whenever she will discover some things or some places. I went back in packing and I also cooked for our meal.

"Keito-senpai!", Mika paused for awhile and talked to me. "If your imaginations before that you will meet them happened already, which is we thought of it as too impossible to happen, what if your imagination that a member will fall in love with you will also happen?"

Woah! I've never thought of that as a possible thing but Mika is right. What if it will truly happen? What should I do? I should shake off this thoughts. Almost all of the members are close to me already and it seems like there's no chance that one of them will fall in love with me. Whatever happens, I guess we'll be okay.

"Let's just eat Mika-chan! Whatever happens will happen." I took her arms and we started to eat.

"Tell me if that happens Y/N! I will surely hate you if you're going to hide it from me!", she showed me her fist.

"Of course! I've got no one to talk to! You're the only friend I've got here!"

As I was eating, I'm thinking of how thankful I am that I'm assigned in this place. That I have a friend here. That I met Twice. I looked at my phone and read the message I just got.

Nayeon: Yey! I'm more excited now then! Wait, I'm going to tell everyone here including HER. 😂

Me: You are such a weirdo.

Nayeon: Don't you ever forget to bring a bathing suit. Okay? 😉

Me: I'll forget that. Good night. 😛

Nayeon: Try me. 😡

I switched my phone off and told Mika that she needs to go home so that I can sleep already. Tomorrow is going to be the day. No one's more excited than me.

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