Chapter 19: Lead Me

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"I don't know?", I laughed it off and I looked at her as she looked at me with a serious face. "Why do you ask?"

"Cause I think I'm falling for someone", she looked away and played with her hands.

"Is that Mina-san?", I teased her and smirked at her.

"Yah! Why are you shipping both of us?!", I saw her whining and staring at me though I find it cute.

"Who else is that person then?", I sat beside her and switched the television on.


"If I were you, tell that person before it's too late.", I smiled at her.

Why am I giving her an advice? And why do I have the feeling that it's pinching my heart when she admitted about her love interest? Momo might be my second bias but it's not right to feel jealous cause she's just a person who would fall in love with a person too. Perks of being a fangirl.

Momo's POV

Stupid! The moon is almost appearing which means that I have to go home few minutes from now, yet, I haven't still confessed my feelings towards her.

"Keito, when you come back here, can I be the first person to take you out please?", I pouted at her.

"Sure!", she grinned at me as I felt her lighten up.

"Keito? Are you sure you're going back to your home, alone?", I asked her as I am hoping that she would say that I can come with her.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"I want you to lead me to your home." I asked her but I added. "Just kidding. I should head back now."

"Mmm... Sure.", she followed me outside.

When we're already outside, I hugged her tightly and I'm glad that she hugged back. Hugging under the moonlight. Nothing could be better than this.

"Take care always Keito. I'll be waiting.", I whispered to her ear.

"You too. I'll just text you when I arrive here. As soon as I come back, let's go immediately.", she laughed as we ended our hug.


Gosh! I should find a place where to hide! I cannot stay here in my dormitory cause I know that they're going to come back here anytime they want just to know if I already arrived. I took out my phone and messaged someone.

Me: Mika-chan! Can I stay at your house for a week? Please! This is an emergency!

Mika: Why?! What have you done? Don't tell me you killed a member of Twice?! I'll call the police for sure!

Me: Yes, I did! She's dying for my love!

Mika: OMG! Tell me! Who's that?!

Me: Just kidding. It's too impossible to happen. They're my friends.

I told her everything and what's the reason why I should stay on her house. I'm thankful that she agreed with my plan. She's just going to think of a reason for her parents to agree with it.

Momo's POV

I opened the front door revealing my members who are looking at me with sharp eyes.

"Did you finally tell her the truth?", Dahyun held my arms as she is hoping for a good answer from me.

"Nope. I'm not yet ready. I'm planning to tell her when she comes back.", I raised my hand to promise them.

"Make it sure!", they yelled.

We went to our beds and everyone's asleep now. I messaged Keito since I cannot sleep yet.

Me: Keito-chan? Are you still awake?

Keito: Yes Momo-chan. You can't sleep?

Me: Nope.

Keito: I guess you're thinking of that person then.

If you only know that it's you, I would've lead you somewhere. I would've lead myself near you just to have such strange feelings I've only felt around you.

Me: Maybe.

Keito: Tell me when you already confessed it to her. Hahaha.

Me: Of course, I would. You'd be the first person I'll tell and that's a promise.

Keito: Why am I the first person?

Me: Ah! Let's just change topic!

We talked the whole remaining hours before our sleep. I would want to have a dream about her but I'm afraid that it'll only lead me to fantasy.


It's been 5 days already and I'm here on Mika's house. It's good that her parents gladly accepted me. I don't really go out to avoid meeting some members. Momo keeps on communicating with me too.

"Y/N! We don't have foods on the refrigerator anymore! Mom and dad will be late tonight." Mika yelled from the kitchen.

"So what's your plan?", I answered her as I peeked on the kitchen.

"Of course! We'll go out to buy groceries.", she took her wallet and grabbed my shirt.

"Geez. No need to drag me out of your house. I'll go with you. Don't worry.", I shoved away her hand as we went outside.

Momo's POV

"Yah! Let's go to the grocery! I want to buy some snack!", I pulled both Mina and Sana as we are strolling around the city.

"Okay!",both of them answered.

We arrived at the grocery as we are still having fun just by laughing on some products. I hope people won't find us weird.

"Hey! Isn't that Keito? Why's she here already? The New Year Eve's tomorrow right? She shouldn't be here.", we looked at the tip of Sana's finger who was pointing at a person's back.

My heart was pounding seeing a girl who's poise seems to be like Keito's and it's more pounding when I saw her with someone else. Did she arrived earlier than what she's supposed to be? If that's the case, did she forgot about our hangout? Did she forgot about our promises?

"Hey! We cannot be sure that it's her. There are some studies revealing that a person could have seven people who would look alike.", Mina stated as the girl is rushing outside. "Besides, we only saw her back."

It's weird that I am kind of hoping that it's her and I also even hope that it's not her.


I rushed outside leaving Mika when I saw Mina, Sana, and Momo across the lane in the grocery. They shouldn't notice that it was me.

"Hiding from someone?", a voice uttered on my side as I was shocked.

"Can you please don't tell them that I am here?", I asked her a favor.

"In one condition."

"Sure, I'll do anything you want."

"Come with me.", she said in a cheerful way.

"Lead me.", I walked together with her leaving the people inside the grocery.

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