Chapter 16: She's My Lady

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"Where are you taking me Mina-san?", I asked Mina who is in a hurry.

"You thought I don't know?", sarcasm filled on her voice. "Why didn't you bring a bathing suit?"

"Eh?! How did you know?!", I shyly reacted to her.

"Momo's the one who carried your bag right? I took it from her while she's sleeping. I'm doubting why you only have a small bag. Then, Bam! You don't have bathing suit.", she motioned me to come inside a room.

"Tada!", she gestured as if she's doing a magic.

I went inside the room and saw three bathing suit on a hanger. Sana is also there laughing and giving Mina a high five.

"You can choose freely now Keito-chan.", Sana took the bathing suits and brought them to me. "Try the three please."

"Eh?! But this three are so sexy! I don't like wearing these stuffs!", I complained pushing the suits away.

"It fits you since you look so sexy", Sana winked at me in a flirt way.

"Hey! Stop that!", Mina pushed Sana away. "And Keito, you are not allowed to dip on the water if you won't wear a suit. You don't want to disappoint us all, right?"

"Then don't you have a simpler suit?", I gulped thinking how I'd look like with the bathing suits. "And how did you get this stuffs?"

"I messaged Sana to buy these while we're on our way. And nope, we don't have. Try it now!", Mina commanded making me rush. Aisht! This two Japanese.


Momo's POV

I saw Keito on the entrance as she's hiding her exposed skin. She's not that pale. She's not that tan. Her skin tone is balanced enough. She's wearing a red two piece suit that's an alarming vibrant to both of my eyes. Everyone's staring at her the way I'm staring at her. Back off guys, that lady's mine.

"Hi.", she smiled shyly as Mina and Sana pushed her to the water.

"Woah! Keito! I never expected you to wear such things.", Jeongyeon came near her and took her hands.

"Hey! What are you doing?! It will make her uncomfortable!", Nayeon took Jeongyeon's hands from Keito.

Suddenly, Tzuyu and Chaeyoung pushed me to Keito's side making me panic as I felt her skin brushed on my skin. My eyes travelled around her bare skin making my brain freeze despite of the water.

"Are you just going to stare at her?", Mina whispered on my ears with her husky voice and went to Sana's side as both of them are winking to me.

"Hi Momo. I don't really want to be here in this bath and I don't want to wear this thing. It's their fault.", she pouted towards Mina and Sana. "Ah! That sounds nonsense. Nevermind."

"K-keito, w-would you mind... G-going out with me tonight?", I shuddered as I asked her.

"Of course! I can't see why not.", she hugged me making me blush as her bare skin rubs on mine. "I haven't went out with you yet. I'm so excited. Thank you for asking me Momo-san!"

"Y-yes. I'll be back here later." I escaped through her embrace and went to Mina and Sana.

"Oh! You're running away from her again? Too bad Momo.", Mina chirped.

I'm still blushing and I went to look at Keito and I saw Jeongyeon is beside her. They are laughing together. I felt jealous that I wanted to pull Jeong away from her.

"Stop glaring at Jeong. It's your fault that you did not take this opportunity to flirt with her.", Mina nudged at me.

"Hey! It would be creepy for her if I'll flirt with her!"


We're already done taking a bath and we went to the place where we're going to eat our lunch. The place is large and there are so many plants outside which makes it elegant.

"Can I sit here beside you?", the chair beside me was pulled by Jihyo.

"Sure.", I helped her.

"It's been a long time since we last talked to each other.", she clasped her face and stared at me. "How about we hang out later at night?"

Is this true? She's asking me to go out with her tonight? My one and only bias wants to be with me again? But, Momo-san asked me first. It's bad if I turn down her invitation.

"I'm not really sure Jihyo-unnie.", I shrugged as I avoided her stare. "I'll tell you later."

"Oh. Okay. Can you please stop calling me 'unnie'? I don't like it when you call me like that.", she smiled brightly making me forget about my decision.

"Okay Jihyo.", I assured her.

The lunch went well and everyone cannot be disturbed right now since they're taking their beauty sleep. I went inside the room and Momo is nowhere to be found. I wonder where is she at this time? I guess I'll sleep alone then.

Momo's POV

"Yah! Minariiii! Help me! I have to make tonight a memorable night!", I barged inside Sana's room since Mina is there.

"Oh! So you're only asking for Mina's help, not mine?", Sana complained.

"Okay! I need both of you!", I begged for them.

"Wait. It means, you asked her out?" Sana gasped shaking Mina's shoulder. "Our Momo jjang is grown-up! She's going to get a girlfriend tonight!"

"Calm down! I'm not really thinking of confessing to her. Maybe it's just a friendly date for tonight? I guess?", I caressed my chin thinking.

"You don't really need our help. Keito is not fond of fantastic stuffs since she likes simple things. I bet you, she only wants you to reveal your personal life.", Mina assured me. "Take her to the garden and just have a late night talk, deep talks and whatever. She'll greatly appreciate it."

I thanked both of them and we talked about love including Chaeyoung. Until I fell asleep in their room. When I woke up, I saw them already awake. I looked at my phone and I saw an unknown number.

Unknown: Momo-san, I'm sorry but I'm not sure if I'm going out with you tonight. Jihyo also asked for my company. I'll see what I can do later. I asked Nayeon-unnie for your number. This is Keito-chan.

I lie down on the bed again and stared on the ceiling. I thought tonight is going to be the night where we're going to be comfortable with each other. I just thought she's my lady for tonight. I guess she's another's lady then.

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