Chapter 24: I'm Loving That Love Line

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Momo's POV

"Keito?", I held her shoulders holding it tight.

"I-i", she stuttered as the words on her mouth keeps on cutting.

"If you're not yet ready, it's okay.", I nodded my head trying to hide my disappointment. "I'll strive harder."

"Babe!", she hugged me tight as I cried on her shoulder.

"What did you just called me?", I widened my eyes as my hands are still tucked on my side.

"Babe.", she repeated saying it.

"So what does that mean?", I added.

"It means that... I am yours... You want me to call you Babe, right?", she chuckled.

"Yah! You made me nervous! I almost got a heart attack!", I said while I'm sobbing.

"Why are you crying?!", she chuckled as she wiped my tears. "You don't deserve to cry!"

"I deserve to cry with happiness.", I hugged her again and carried her while I turned around.

There's nothing in this world I'd wanted to be except to be hers. I'm loving loving loving loving loving that love line interconnecting on our pinky fingers.


I woke up with Momo beside me. Yes, we're on the same bed again. I feel like love is all around just by being right beside her. I went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast for her. I made it with love on our first day of being a couple.

"I didn't know that my Keito could be my chef too." I felt a warm embrace on my hips making me blush.

"Yah! You are too clingy!", I removed her arms and pushed her away.

"Sorry. You're not yet used to it?", I didn't answer as she smiled at me. "Let me help you Babe."

"What Babe are you saying?", I said as I blushed again.

"Yah! Have you already forgotten what happened last night?!", she whined pulling me behind.

"Nope, Babe.", I winked at her as I settled the foods on the table. "Let's eat now!"

"Itadakimasu!", she suddenly attacked her breakfast. "Hmm! Babe! You're a good cook!"

"Shut up and just eat there!", I said as I glared at her. "Momo."

"Yes Babe?", she raised her tone on the "Babe" word.

"When did you cut this?", I pointed on the short string that's still tied on my finger, yet, it's not connected to Momo's finger anymore.

"I cut it as soon as you confirmed our relationship.", she said while still munching.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Don't you like it? Well, it's like when there's a new business that opened, they cut the ribbon as a welcoming right? I did it like that.", she proudly said it making me laugh at her idea.

Momo's POV

After having an unexpected sleepover at Keito's place, I went home directly so that the other members won't get worried for me.

"Congratulations!", the members popped confetti allover the house making me shocked.

"Tell us you got her 'yes'", Sana threw her arms on my shoulder as she looked at everyone.

"I did not. I'm sorry to disappoint you all.", I acted making them believe me.

"That's alright. Maybe she's still not ready yet.", Dahyun comforted me by hugging me.

"I'm gonna text Keito right now! This can't be true!", Nayeon complained while she's taking her phone.

"Hey guys! Calm down! Don't ever call Keito!", I took Nayeon's hand.

"Why?! I know you did your best Momo! But why?!", Nayeon asked me.

"I'm just kidding guys!", I raised both of my hands as they focused themselves on me. "We're together now."

Everyone suddenly cheered again while Nayeon kicked my butt making me yelp. I turned around to count the members as I felt that they are lacking. And yes, I'm right, there's only eight of us here. Where'd she go?


There's a knock on my door and I'm curious why Momo went back here. Did she forgot something? I looked around trying to search for a thing that she might have left, but, there's nothing. Maybe she's going to tell me that she forgot a kiss from me. Eww. Why am I even thinking this way?

"Oh. Hi Jihyo-unnie.", I waved at Jihyo who's in front of my door. "What brings you here? If you're finding Momo from me, she just left here awhile ago."

"I'm not finding for Momo, Keito-chan.", I let her in and hanged her coat. "I just want to be with you right now. Is it alright?"

"Eh? Yes, of course!", I prepared her snacks and she gave thanks to me.

"So are you and Momo together now?", she brought up the topic.

"Y-yes.", I nodded shyly.

"Well, that's cool. I just want to confirm it.", she said as she's watching the T.V. "Keito-chan, are you sure that you're happy with her and do you think Momo is happy with you too?"

Why is she asking me this? What's up with her mind that she's going to ask me such question? Is there something wrong?

"I'm sorry Keito. I didn't mean to ask such silly question.", she apologized. "But, can you sit here beside me?"

I sat beside her and we watched a TV show together until I fell asleep. When I woke up, Jihyo left me a letter saying that she's sorry to leave me and that I can call her anytime if I need her. Although my main bias is sweet, I realized that being a fangirl and being in love are two different things. I am fangirling over Jihyo, I am in love with Momo.

Momo's POV

I went to Keito's dorm to fetch her since the members are having a party for us to celebrate our relationship. It's just the third day yet, the members were already saying that this will last forever because of our love line.

"Let's go Babe?", Keito opened the door making both of us smile together.

"Yes. I'm so excited.", I kissed her cheeks and intertwined our hands as we walk together.

"Ladies and gentlemen! There are men here? Just kidding! The party will now begin!", Dahyun announced as we got inside our house as the confetti were flying all over.

"The Couple of the Year Award goes to...", Mika being an emcee with Dahyun, said. "KeiMo!"

Keito and I were shocked when Mina brought us a trophy. The trophy's design was color gold and its' form is a cupid. I felt teary eyed because of the members' effort.

"Keito and Momo, you can now give your speeches.", Dahyun said grinning widely.

We gave thanks to the whole group and even Mika for being with us and for supporting us. We also promised that we're going to treat each other right and we will give enough affection to our friends.

After our speeches, we ate our food still being noisy and loud. I got caught up talking to Chaeng that I didn't realize that Keito is not on my side anymore. Jihyo's not also here. This can't happen. I know she didn't like the idea of me and Keito being together. Did she took Keito away from me?

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