Chapter 7: Betting on You

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"Why are you here Ms?", I stared blankly at Ms. Hashimoto as I took my earphones off.

"Is it bad that I am here? Just call me 'Ai', Ms is too formal.", she looked above the skies and hugged her body tight. "Were you waiting for someone? I called you for many times and you aren't answering."

"Nope. Why are you looking for me? I just discovered this place and this is my ideal spot. A place where I can think clearly, no loud noises, and has a fresh air. How about you? Why are you here?"

"I was hoping that I could bring you here to tour you. This is a place where I would always escape together with my cousin.", she smiled deeply at me.

"So where's your cousin? Is she around?" I looked around but I cannot see anyone.

"I'm even wondering if where is she right now. It's been 5 years that we haven't communicated with each other. It seems like she's busy with her job. You know, growing old.", she took my hand urging me to stand up. "Can I lead you?"

"Where are we going?" I stood up and followed her.

"Be patient, Keito."

Few meters from the peak, there's a hidden clear pond and the view is so perfect that you can see the reflection of the moon.

"You know what? My cousin was the one who brought me here. I'm even wondering how did she discover this place?", she placed her hands inside her pocket.

I touched the water and immediately took off my hands when I felt how cold the water was.

"Your cousin must be an artistic person then?" I stared at Ai.

"Yes, even if she looks like an ugly person and her fashion is so weird. She somehow reminds me of you. Except that you're a bad girl and she's gentle."

"You're so mean!", I splashed water on her face.

"Hey! Do you want me to send you back to your country?", she placed her hands on her hips as she glared at me.


"Let's go home now. Tomorrow, it will be your first day in school so, I don't want you to be tired."

Momo's POV

"Let's play the mafia game!", Dahyun yelled which made us gather together. "The loser will have to answer our question truthfully."

I ended up being the mafia. We laughed as we started the game. It's hard for me to play innocent since my members would always think of me as a mafia. And yes, I'm a mafia now. I will surely lose.

"Momo is the mafia!", Mina suddenly shouted. I forgot about the game and all I could remember was that I killed Jihyo.

"I am not!", I did my aegyo and made myself so innocent.

"Yes, you are and I'm sure of that.", she smirked at me.

"Game over!", Jeongyeon laughed. "Mina, go on ask a question."

Everyone immediately focused themselves to me like it's an emergency meeting.

"Are you having a crush with that stranger?", Mina asked making me blush.

"Yah! What kind of question is that?!" I whined. "How many times do I have to tell you that I don't like her!"

"Enough! Go to your rooms now!" Jihyo suddenly spoke out.

"Yah! Jihyo! Why are you always being like that whenever we talk about Momo's stranger crush?!" Nayeon slapped Jihyo's arm.

"Just go to your rooms now!" Jihyo went to her room and slammed the door.

"Let's make another game!", Dahyun shouted again. "Let's make a bet. Who thinks that Momo and the stranger will end up together?"

Everyone raised their hands which made me slap my forehead.

"Oh! So I guess there's no betting then.", Dahyun laughed shyly.

"I will make a bet!", I raised my hand. "Y'all would give me money if I win. The rule is, I should not flirt with that stranger until we go back to Korea. And if I lose, I'll treat you to a restaurant when we go back to Korea."

"Deal!", everyone clapped their hands.

This is gonna be bad. This stranger is ruining me. I could spend a lot of money if ever I lose and she's also sort of ruining my group because of Jihyo's reactions. What a bad stranger she is.


Woah! This school looks so big and there are many students. The place is tidy and it seems like people here are very disciplined. I want to have a friend but it seems like everyone were busy by themselves and is satisfied with their company.

"Hey! What's up?", Ai suddenly popped out of nowhere and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"This school is so huge." I grinned at her. "Why are you wearing a uniform?"

"Not so huge compared to the other schools here in Japan. I'm wearing a uniform cause I'm a student here.", she laughed at me. "I'm just 3 years older than you for your information. I'm just a representative of our school and I don't really have much authority. All I can do is to guide you. Now come on, let's get you to your class."

I went inside my classroom and the teacher welcomed me warmly calling the attention of everyone.

"Class, so we have a new student here and I hope you're going to be a good friend to her. Kindly, introduce yourself please.", the teacher nodded at me.

"Ohayo Gozaimasu. I'm Raguna Keito, I am not really fluent enough in speaking Nihonggo since I grew up in Spain. I hope you will help me and let's make memories together.", I smiled at everyone who applauded at my simple introduction.

"Just sit on the middle please. Let's start the class now."

As I sat on my seat, I heard whispers around me and they were staring at me. I hope that they're not talking bad things about me. I'm not that good in controlling my anger.

Break time came and I headed towards the canteen and I can notice that people are still whispering anywhere. It seems like I'm their topic since they can't stop staring at me but, I can't read their emotions so I set it aside. I ate alone and hoped that someone would sit beside me.

"People are betting at you right now huh?", someone placed her tray in front of me.

"What kind of bet Ai-san?", I curiously asked her.

"Curious much? Discover it by yourself.", she munched her food smirking at me.

This girl is no help at all. Were the people hating on me? Do I really seemed like a bad girl for everyone?

See You When I See You (Twice's Momo X You) ✔Where stories live. Discover now