Chapter 25: Dream

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Momo's POV

I left everyone as I'm searching for Keito. Did Jihyo took her away from me again? I know that she didn't like the idea that Keito and I would be having a relationship. This can't be happening.

"Where are you going?", I bumped into someone making me held unto her.

"Where have you been?", I asked Keito as she caught me before I fall.

"I just went to the restroom.", she said as I brought her back to the party.

"Don't ever go alone again.", I  warned her making her look at me.

"Why is it so?", she asked me as she took both of my hands.

"Hey lovers! What are you doing here? The party's still ongoing. You have to go back there." I was about to tell Keito when Jeongyeon called us.


The party has ended already as I'm ready to go home with Mika. I gave thanks to everyone for accepting our relationship and for supporting us on whatever will happen.

"I'll take both of you to your homes.", Momo ran towards us and she placed her arms on Mika's shoulder while she intertwined her hand with mine.

"Yah! No need! You stay here and rest!", I cupped her cheeks and smiled at her.

"Umm. I'll wait over there Keito. I don't want to be a third wheel here.", Mika covered her mouth trying to stop her chuckle as she ran.

"Mika's going with me Babe, you don't have to worry about me.", I assured her.

"Did I say that I'm worried?", she giggled making me frown. "Isn't it possible that I just want to spend more time with you?"

"Whatever.", I rolled my eyes and walked towards Mika.

"Hey! My Babe's sulking?", she ran up to me and hugged me behind my back.

"I'm not!", I took her arms off and continued walking.

"You are, my cutie. Don't sulk anymore.", she pinched my cheeks and placed her arm on my hips. "Of course I'm worried! That's why I don't want you to disappear as if it's like a dream that I finally woke up."

"Wake up then!", I answered sarcastically.

"Yah! You're bad!", I left her making her whine more.

"Bye Babe!", I waved my hand and gave her a flying kiss which she caught and placed her hand on her lips gesturing that she has accepted my kiss already.

Momo's POV

It's been a week since me and Keito are together yet we haven't even say those "magic words" that every couple are telling each other. We don't even kiss on the lips. What happened on the New Year's Eve was our first kiss and our last kiss. When will I ever taste her lips again?

Keito: Yah! Babe! Let's hangout together!

Oh my gosh! Did my Keito just asked me out? I can't believe this! Is this just a dream? It's the first time that she's the first one to ask between the two of us.

Keito: If you're not going to reply within 5 minutes, I'm going to cancel my plan.

Me: Hey! You're asking me for a date? You've even prepared for it? Tell me that I'm dreaming.

Keito: I don't like it when people ask me so many questions.

Me: Okay, noted. Chill. What time are we going?

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