Chapter 20: One More Time

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"Keito. Why are you here already?",Nayeon asked me while we're walking.

"Umm... Actually, I just arrived here awhile ago." I looked down as I lied.

"But tomorrow is New Year's Eve already!", she freaked out.

"Eh? My cousin asked me to stay with her for New Year since she have a job to do here.", I lied again making me feel guilty on lying with a great friend of mine.

"You have a cousin here?!", she stopped on her track as she gasped. "Why haven't you told us before?"

"She's always busy but sometimes, she comes on my dorm too."

"Why aren't you staying with her then?", I'm feeling dizzy already because of Nayeon's questions. I guess joining with her right now is my punishment.

Nayeon took me to a cafe as we eat together. While waiting for our orders, I reached for my phone and messaged some people.

Me: Momo-san, I'm already here. How about we hang out later?

Me: Mika-chan. I won't go home early tonight.

I focused myself to my conversation with Nayeon and I fished for my phone minutes after.

Mika: How dare you leave me alone at the grocery store and now you're going to let me be alone in my house?

Me: Eh? Gome~ I'll treat you next time.

The foods were already on the table yet, Nayeon and I are still talking until I felt the vibration of my phone again.

Momo: You're here already?

Me: Yes! I can't wait to see you!

Momo: Uhh. Can we meet tomorrow instead?

Me: Eh? But I thought you want to hangout together when I'm back?

Momo: Sorry.

Me: It's alright. Take your time Momo-san. I'm not sure for tomorrow since it's New Year's Eve.

"What's with that face Keito-chan?", Nayeon suddenly stopped eating as she's worried at me.

"Ahh! It's nothing.", I faked a smile as I continued eating.

I don't know why but it made me feel disappointed somehow. Is there any problem? I can't let her have such mood. I wanna make her happy.

Momo's POV

We arrived home and we gathered for dinner as Nayeon arrived. I still feel bad that I've rejected Keito's invitation.

"Yah! Momo! What's wrong with you huh?!," she pulled me from the table and lead me on the living room making our members watch us with curiosity. "You think I wouldn't know?"

"Hey! Know about what?", I asked her in a calm way.

"Yah! I saw Keito's disappointed eyes as she read your message!",she slapped my forehead. "Pabo! Even if she didn't talked about it, I saw the reflection of her cellphone's screen on the window."

"Oh! So that's why you're not here? She even asked you first even if I should be the first one to hangout with her?", I clenched my jaw.

"It doesn't matter. We just met accidentally and decided to relax on the cafe since she just arrived here.", she then pointed her finger to my face. "How about you? You wanna be with her, yet, you did even turn her down."

If they only know how much I'd want to meet Keito. How much I want to hangout with her one more time. How I turned her down cause I'm still unprepared in confessing my feelings.

"Save it. I'm going to tell Keito to celebrate the New Year's Eve with us.", Nayeon went inside her room and shut the door.


"Mika-chan! I'm already here! I bought you some foods!", I happily yelled inside the house.

"Foods! As if it's not your leftovers!", she appeared rolling her eyes.

"Nope, I love you too much to give you leftovers.", I winked at her.

"Eww. You're such a flirt.", she rolled her eyes again as she rummaged the bag.

Nayeon: Keito-chan! How about you and your cousin should celebrate the New Year's Eve here with us?

I looked at Mika who's eating the bunch. I know she wouldn't agree with this especially that she have her parents here.

Me: Eh?! I don't know yet. I'll ask my cousin first.

Of course. I cannot do that! All I've gotta do now is find a reason to lie. Again, I'm going to lie one more time. I hate this.

"Yah! Keito! Dad and mom cannot celebrate New Year's Eve here tomorrow! Normal.", she suddenly said while staring at her phone. "They're always focusing on their jobs. It's a good thing I'm not alone cause you're here."

"Mika-chan! Nayeon asked me to celebrate the New Year's Eve together with them.", I stuttered. "I think it's time for you to meet them. I told Nayeon awhile ago that you're my cousin.

"I hate you.", she glared at me with fire. "But okay, the more the merrier."

Momo's POV

All of the members were so active in cleaning the whole place when they learned that Keito and her cousin will be here. I never thought that Keito have a cousin here. The doorbell rang and everyone ran outside.

"Keito! We missed you!", all of them trapped Keito in their hugs as Jihyo welcomed her cousin whom I guessed was the person together with Keito on the grocery store.

"Hey guys! She's my cousin. Her name's Mika.", Mika bowed at us as we bowed to her also.

Everyone's dancing and singing with the loud music. Mika could also sing too! Keito and Mika doesn't look alike but they have the same talent. I looked at Keito talking with Jihyo so I went to them.

"Can you excuse us for a moment?", I held Keito's arms as I formally asked Jihyo who stood up and disappeared on our view.

"Let's go on the balcony. I don't like the noise here.", I went on the balcony bringing a red wine and was glad when I felt Keito following me.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. Can you give me one more time please?", I fixed myself a glass of wine and gave her another glass.

"Forget it. Let's have a new year tonight.", she drank the wine. "Only half an hour left."


We talked about everything including on my lies about what happened to me on my trip. I didn't want to lie at her but I have too. Promise Momo, I won't lie to you one more time.

"Momo? What about that important thing you're going to tell me?", I bluntly asked her.

"Ahh! That's nothing. Nevermind about that.", she blushed when I asked her about it or maybe it's just because of the alcohol.

"EVERYONE! 10 9 8 7 6", the gals on the living room are shouting the countdown already.

"Are you sure?", I turned to Momo who nodded as I was about to run to the living room.


Momo grabbed my hand and I stopped as she forcefully held it.


"Keito.", she uttered my name teary eyed.


"Let's go there Momo-san! Let's enjoy with them!" I motioned her to come.


"No. I'm sorry I cannot tell you but...", her tears started to fall.


The colorful fireworks were lighting the skies already. The fireworks amazed me not just one more time but, so many times.

See You When I See You (Twice's Momo X You) ✔Where stories live. Discover now