Chapter 41: You In My Heart

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"Stay with me.", I thought I misheard these words but I guess I didn't.

I looked back and saw Momo's eyes are starting to open as she is also forcing her hands to move. I immediately checked her vital signs to make sure that she's already on a normal condition.

"Guys! Come in! Momo's awake!", I called for them as they went inside and hugged her tightly.

"Careful! The patient shouldn't be stressed! She's just half conscious!", I scolded them as they keep on pulling Momo.

"Sorry Dr. Y/N.", they bowed.

It's the first time I smiled after a month of mourning over her. This will end to soon. I can't be with her.

They keep on jumping with joy as they know that Momo's awake and far from the luring of the grim reaper again. I can't help but to smile with tears in my eyes as I walked out of the room. I'm sorry, I have to leave you. Still, it's you in my heart.


With my fist that is as hard as the stone, I want to throw this stone on the one who's responsible of this crisis. I left the hospital just to let him taste my revenge when Momo's life was declared as fifty:fifty.

"Can I talk to him officer?", I pleaded the officer who nodded at me.

"This way.", he lead me towards a cell where Kai is sitting on the floor looking at the bare wall.

"Mr. Kim, come out please. Someone needs to talk to you.", the officer called for him as he unlocked the cell.

"I don't need to come out.", he smirked and scratched his nose.

"If I told you to come out, come out!", I yelled giving my all just for him to be frightened. "I don't need to talk to you. More like, I need to give you a lesson!"

I grabbed his collar for him to go outside as the policemen gathered around to stop us. The policemen made us sit for us to talk well as I motioned for them to leave us alone.

"Tell me why did you that!", I yelled again as I slapped the table.

He remained silent and gave me his evil laugh as he keeps on turning his head side by side like he is stretching.

"Why are you stretching? You're ready to fight me huh?!", I gave him a sharp look.

"I didn't mean to do that to Momo.", he looked down as I can sense sadness inside of him. "That bullet is meant for you. I love her too much to do it for her."

"Because of what you did, you made her lifeless right now! Let me give you a lesson!", I stood up as I punched him making myself be on advantage as he's hands were handcuffed. "You almost killed her! She's now on comatose! I will kill you if she dies! I'll make sure you'll rot on hell! I'll burn your body while you're still leaving here on earth! This should be your lesson!"

"You're giving me a lesson?", he laughed again. "Don't you know that you should be the one to learn a lesson?"

I stopped attacking him for him to be able to explain his side. Blood is visible on the ground as I broke his nose and his eyes were covered with shadows.

"You have to leave her alone Y/N. First of all, people won't accept your relationship in terms of gender, race, and you are not even a celebrity that the fans were shipping with her.", he added making me furious. "She went through a lot on her trainee years Y/N. Do you want to ruin her image? Do you want to ruin her dreams she made when she's still in her younger years?"

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