Chapter 36: It's You

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Momo's POV

"She's...", she said as I listened carefully on what she's going to say until I realized that she is sleeping already.

"Bad doctor.", I pouted.

I took the key from her bag and opened the door of her house. I carried her all the way to her bedroom. I caressed her face, wishing that she was the one I was looking for. I realized that she smelled drunk. I have to change her clothes but how?

I took off her clothes while I closed my eyes a little bit. Her skin looks so fine that it makes my nerves tingling. I'm done changing her clothes and I'm ready to go back to the hospital.

"Don't leave me again.", she tucked me on her hug as her breath stings the air with alcohol.

If it's only you Keito, I won't leave again. But, it's not you, then what should I do?

"Please don't.", her closed eyes released some tears when I tried to take her hands off.

"Okay Dr. Stranger. I'll stay.", I lie down beside her and examined her face.

Why do you have to remind me about Keito? How's Keito right now wherever she is in this world? Even if she have another love, I can't turn back from her. Why am I leaning closer to this stranger's face?

I stopped leaning when she turned around, her back facing me. That was close! This is a temptation. It's not you.


I woke up and when I moved a little, I felt someone's hugging me. What the heck? As much as I could remember, no one knows my house and no one's staying with me.

"Ahh!", I yelled pushing the person who's sleeping beside me.

"Ouch!", I heard a familiar voice. "What's the matter?!"

"Why are you here?!", I watched her standing up slowly.

"Geez. Won't you even say thank you to me?", she rolled her eyes. "I brought you here when you got drunk last night. I carried you all the way and this is how you're going to give me thanks?"

I looked around and smelled my breath which stinks. It's awful! I'm beside her with such breath? Wait, why are my clothes different? Don't tell me that she changed it?!

"Ahh!", I yelled again as she covered her ears. "Why am I wearing my sleepwear?! Did you see something?!"

"Can you stop shouting?! Yes, I changed your clothes but promise, I didn't see anything. I closed my eyes a bit while I'm changing you.", she answered making me blush.

How sweet of her to respect a girl. I guess Momo did never change. Even if I call her pervert, she knows her limits. It's you, Momo, the one I loved.

"I have to go. I'm late already.", I stood up and took my towel to take a bath.

By the time I'm done taking a bath, I went out from the bathroom being surprised. I smelled food and it's not burnt. How did Momo cook that? She's a worst cook before.

"Where's my car key?", I asked her as I took my bag.

"It's already inside your bag.", she answered.

"Thanks. Goodbye.", I opened the door.

"Wait! Eat your breakfast first!", she grabbed me and pulled the chair for me to sit.

"No need. I'll eat much on lunchtime later. I'm very late.", I ignored her.

"Please.", she pouted making me sit down. "Why would you even say goodbye to me? You're going to leave a stranger here inside your house?"

Oh my gosh! Momo is being a clever right now and I'm the one who's becoming a stupid!

"It's not like we're a married couple right?", she smirked in front of me.

"I don't have any plans of marrying someone. Now, let me eat.", I took a bite of the pancake and, damn, this is so good.

"I never thought that a person like you could cook.", I said.

"I tried to learn how to cook because of my ex girlfriend.", her smiling face turned into a frown making me hurt. "She's a good cook. I can't handle seeing her cook for me while I'm only good on munching her masterpiece. I also want to cook for her for future purposes."

Momo did something she didn't really want to do just to impress me? So Momo really did her best because she loves me?

"I want to cook for her every morning before she wakes up, I want to cook dinner for her when she arrives home so that she could relax.", she added while she's daydreaming.

"So where's that ex girlfriend of yours?", I interrupted her as I don't want to hear them anymore.

"She's gone.", she looked at me. "I thought she's the one who's in front of me. I was hoping it's you. It's not. It's my fault."

"Reserve your new skills for another future someone then.", I shrugged as I put the dishes on the sink.

"I don't want to love if it's not her.", she said behind my back making me stop moving. "I have no regret. I'll always choose her."

Even if I'm born again Momo, it's still you too. It's you whom I want to be with. It's you whom I greatly love even if people curses me. It's you, only you.

"Let's go out now. I'm not a doctor for love syndrome.", I went outside as she followed me.

Momo's POV

The whole ride was so silent as Dr. Y/N focuses on the road. As soon as we arrived, I thanked her and I saw the Twice members coming towards us.

"Yah! Momo! Where have you been?! We're looking for you the whole night!", Nayeon punched my shoulder as she bowed on Dr. Y/N.

"Excuse me, I have to leave now.", Dr Y/N bowed on us as she left us.

"Yah! Don't tell us that you changed Keito for a Keito lookalike.", Sana punched my other shoulder.

"Of course, no! I won't change Keito just for anyone!", I rubbed my shoulders. "That hurts guys! I need a doctor too!"

I think it's too late already Keito but it's you whom I always love even if our love is wrong. I can't give up. I can't let you go.

"Momo, can I talk to you?", Jihyo went to me as I nodded.

She took me on the rooftop of the hospital as she sat down and stared at the sky for a few minutes.

"Do you like that doctor?", she said as she stared on my side.

"If you're going to force me with that doctor just for me to give up Keito, then you're wrong.", I glared at her.

"No, that's not what I meant.", she hugged her knees and looked away. "You know that you're being unfair?"

"Why?", I still glared at her.

"Because... It seems like... I like Dr. Y/N.", she blushed. "Whoever I like, it seems like you're liking them too."

"Eh?! Don't worry Ji! The doctor's all yours!", I smiled gently though I felt a bit jealous inside without knowing why.

"Are you sure that you don't like her?"

"I'm really sure."

We went down and headed towards Jeongyeon's room but I was shocked when I saw something in front of us. Now I know that it's you. For me, it's you.


Author's Note: This story will end soon guys 😭😭😭

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