Chapter 33: I'm Your Fool

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Momo's POV

Why does Kai have this picture? And why is the date exactly on those days that we stayed in Japan?! Don't tell me that Kai was the one who took this picture?! Is Kai making me a fool?!

"Hey! What are you doing with my phone?", Kai sat beside me and I immediately closed all the tabs and locked it.

"Nothing. I was just using the camera as a mirror.", stupid lie.

"Are you sure?", he asked as he scanned his phone.

"Yup.", I looked away from him and focused myself on the movie.

Is Kai behind all of the troubles me and Keito faced? I cannot judge him that easily. I have to find a way to catch him.

"Is there something wrong Momo?", Nayeon asked me while we're eating our dinner after Kai went home.

"Nope, I'm okay.", I said as I continued munching my food while thinking of the picture.

I got up and washed the dishes since I promised to wash the dishes the last time when we played the Mafia game. I might be a 26-year old woman but I can't deny the fact that I'm still enjoying the mafia game with the members.

"Tell me what's the problem.", Nayeon and Jeongyeon looked at me as I entered my room.

"Is it possible that your boyfriend could be a traitor?", I shook my head as I asked them.

"What are you talking about? Is Kai oppa cheating on you?! Do you want me to kill him?", Jeongyeon held my wrist as she raged.

"No, that's not what I meant Jeong. It's just.", I paused for awhile as they listened carefully to my words. "I saw something on his phone.

"What?! Don't tell me it's a porn? It's normal!", Nayeon shrugged.

"It's the same pic that scattered allover the social medias.", tears fell from my eyes. "I saw that picture on Kai's phone and... it's time and date was the same when we were still in Japan."

"What the heck?! Why would he do that to our Keito?!", Nayeon yelled as she got angry.

Nayeon immediately went out to call for the attention of the whole members. I assumed that she might talk about it to them but I gladly stopped her and beg her that we should not easily jump to conclusion. They stayed on my side as Jeongyeon keeps on comforting me.

"We'll find it out sooner or later. We won't let this pass.", Jeongyeon hugged me tightly as I cried on her arms.

"Kyungsoo oppa! Can I ask you a question?" I asked EXO's D.O as Kai left me to be with them. "Have you went to Japan on 2018?"

"Of course! You know that we always have a tour especially on Japan.", he answered while he's studying me. "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing.", I smiled at him. "Did you have a schedule on Japan last January 2018?"

"Hmm... Nope, we haven't been there on January. We only went there by February.", he cupped his chin as he thinks deeper.

So if they went there by February, it means they weren't there by the time that happened and he can't be the one who took that picture. I am just being a fool.

"But, I remember that Kai went there that time since he was shooting his television series. What's its' title again? I forgot it.", he scratched his head trying to remember more. "The 'Spring Has Come'! Yes that's the title!"

I'm having goosebumps on every bit of information I'm hearing from Kyungsoo. I can't be a fool then.

"Oppa, do you remember the place where he went?", I leaned forward and grasped his shoulder.

"Why are you so interested?", he took my hands.

"Oppa, please.", I begged him.

"Okay, fine. I think it's... Hiroshima?"

Damn! He's behind this issue! He made me a fool. Okay Kai, you played the game very well. I'm your fool.

Suho oppa lead me on a rooftop garden after Kyungsoo left me. Suho said that we're going to have a party with all the Twice and EXO members. Yes, they are all there but Kai is still not there.

"Searching for me Honey?", Kai took my hand and kissed it.

I want to punch that happy smile you're putting on your face. Why did you do this to me? I should've known about this before. I stayed with a traitor for 5 years making it the worst thing that has ever happened on my life.

"Momo.", he called as he kneeled down. "It's been five years already and I'm also done with my military training."

"Woooooh!", EXO members cheered while my group mates were trying to be happy for us except for Nayeon and Jeongyeon who keeps on glaring at us.

"I think five years is long enough already. Will you marry me?", he smiled and showed me the ring.

"I-i.", I took a deep breath and thought of everything that has happened on my past. "I'm sorry. I can't marry you and... Let's break up."

Everyone was shocked on what happened that the silence and awkwardness filled the air. I walked away, tears are falling on my eyes.

"Why?! Why won't you marry me?!", he grabbed my arms with a big force as his group mates stopped him.

"I'm not your fool Kai.", I took my phone and showed him the picture of his phone with the dating scandal photo. "This, what's this? This is your phone right? Why is it here? Why the heck is it here?!"

The Twice members came near me and took my phone to look at it. I slapped Kai and ran away from them. I took a last glance and I saw Jihyo beating Kai.

"We are going to shoot the Twice TV 21!", the manager called us for a meeting.

"Yey! So where are we going Manager-nim?", Chaeyoung clapped her hands cheerfully.

"Guess where?", he smiled at us.

"Yah! Manager-nim! Just spill it already! Don't be a cliffhanger!", Sana pouted.

"We're off to the!", he stopped and winked at us. "Philippines!"

"Off to the beach and islands!", everyone yelled and ran around.

"When are we going there manager nim?", Tzuyu asked. "I'm so very excited."

"Next week.", he waved at us as he went outside.

I might be weary for all the dramas that had happened to me but, why does it feel strange right now? Why did my heart jumped with joy hearing such news.

"Hey! Don't you want to take a break by enjoying in the Philippines?", Mina walked to my side.

"I don't even know. I don't want to enjoy but it seems like, I feel excited.", I told her. "I am still regretting on what happened on the past."

"Yah! Move on! It's five years already.", she hit me.

"I can't blame it. My heart has always been hers only.", I smiled weakly as I did not bother to hit Mina back even if I always do it. "She's my real first love."

"So what's your plan now?"

"If ever I'm going to meet her again,
I'll tell her everything. My feelings.", tears were forming on my eyes as I clenched my fist. "I wanna wanna say it."

I'm still in love with you Keito. Tell me you do too. What I said before was not a prank. I'm your fool for making me crazy with you even for the past five years. I'm your fool, always your fool.

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