Chapter 8: Run

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It's dismissal time and I messaged Mika asking her whereabouts and gladly she replied instantly. I wanna tell her how weird and stressful my first day in this school was.

"Keito-senpai! Would you want to hang out with us?", a girl walked beside me together with her peers.

"I'm sorry but I already told a friend of mine that we will meet today. How about tomorrow?", I stopped, bowing at her.

"Okay! See you tomorrow then Senpai!", she sent a flying kiss to me. How flirt!

I rushed my steps which seems like I'm running since I don't want someone to stop me again by calling me sweet things and by flirting with me.

"I heard you're going to meet a friend? I was hoping that it was me though.", Ai bumped me making me stop again.

"Jeez. I didn't even think of you as a friend." I continued walking.

"What?! What do you mean? So what am I to you?", she was gasped and I got shocked realizing what she meant.

"That came out wrong! It's not what you're thinking! Remember rule number 5, dating is prohibited.", I said snapping at her.

"Good that you remembered, Keito. I guess you'll stay long here then."

I went to McDonald's where Mika is working and I asked the manager if I could talk to her for a moment. It's good that the manager allowed us as long as we won't go outside. I only borrowed 10 minutes and talked to her about everything that has happened this day. She laughed and teased me that those people were blind to see me as an attractive person.

Momo's POV

We haven't went outside anymore, since next week, we will perform on the stage again. I want to see the stranger but I have to force myself not to. What if she's our fan? What if she knows us? If ever I find her there, she's the only fan I won't run away from. Instead, I'll run away together with her.

"Jihyo, can we talk?" I grabbed Jihyo when I saw her pass by.

"What do you want to talk about? If it's about the stranger. Forget it. Let's not distract ourselves." Jihyo turned away suddenly and walked to our manager.

"Let her be. Let's just focus to make our fans happy next week.", Jeongyeon patted my shoulder.


It's been a week since I have stayed on this school yet, I'm still not used on people admiring me. They keep on saying hello to me and I will smile back at them so that I won't insult them. Ai-san isn't also around me nowadays. I guess she's busy cause she's a president of the students' organization.

"I can't wait to see Twice later! I can't wait to see Momo! I'll make it sure that I will catch her attention.",  I overheard a student gossiping about them.

I forgot! They will have their concert later! How I wish I could watch them but, here I am, being a poor kid. I went home directly and took a nap.

Momo's POV

Ahh! The stranger isn't here. Maybe my head is just big thinking of how famous we are here in Japan. Duh! It's not like everyone would admire us especially that stranger! She haven't even recognized us when she came inside the cafe.

"You ready girls?!", the stage director suddenly shouted. "Momo jjang! Why are you hiding on the curtains?"

"I'm just playing hide and seek with Sana!", I giggled as I came out.

"We are?", Sana glanced at me as I glared at her. "Yes! Yes! We are! I won!"

"Stop searching for someone who won't ever show up.", Jihyo looked at me.

I want to snap her but she's right. She's not coming or maybe I can't just find her in this sea of people, in this dark dome with only candy bongs and stage lights were visible.


I woke up with my tummy grumbling. I checked the time and it's already 11 pm. Guess, I overslept so I have to go outside to buy a dinner. I took off my coat and went outside grabbing for a cab. There's not much people around now but there are still stores who were open so I decided to buy a fast-food. When I turned around, I saw many cameras flashing and there's a girl running outside. I used the fire exit as a shortcut not minding the security guards who were calling my attention. I caught up with the masked girl and I grabbed her hand and hid her on a dark place between the two buildings.

"We should not stay here, they're still roaming around and they can catch me here the longer we stay here. We should find a hidden place compared to this.", she's catching her breath while talking. She didn't even mind pulling off her hood and mask just to breathe comfortably.

"I advice you to take your mask off but it's a bit rude since I know you're just hiding your identity. I want to respect your privacy. Just keep calm for a moment as I'll think of a hidden place.", I told her maintaining a low voice so that no one would be able to hear us.

As I was thinking of a hidden place, I suddenly thought of a good place. It seems like I'm kidnapping her. I could be in danger because of this. Her fans and the authority would hunt me but, who cares? She needs my help even though I'm not yet aware who this person is.

"Follow me." I held her hand tightly and dashed when I haven't there's no one around the street anymore.

"W-where are you g-going to take m-me?" she tried to talk clearly.

"Do you trust me? Or should I leave you here in the middle of this street?", I slowed down.

"I trust you. Take me anywhere as long as I am with you. I guess I'll be fine then.", she held my hand tighter for her to catch up with my speed.

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