Chapter 34: Come Back

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Momo's POV

We just arrived in the Philippines and we decided to take a rest on our hotel. This time, my roommate is Nayeon and I'm glad that I've got someone to talk to but I'm annoyed cause she's noisy all the time.

"Why is it that the weather here is so hot?!", Dahyun complained as she plopped herself on our bed.

"I thought we're going to the beach!", Chaeyoung also complained. "And Dahyun, Pabo! That's why many foreigners are coming here during summer because of the hot weather!"

"Yah guys! Not all parts of the Philippines are beaches!", manager-nim scolded them. "Since we're here in this city, let's treasure it. Two days from now, we're going to Guimaras. It's a beach. In order to get to the Guimaras, we are to stay in either Iloilo City or here in Bacolod city. Anyways, we can't go to Boracay or Palawan since those places are so crowded and some fans would recognize you there. Besides, Guimaras is good too."

"Yeeeey! To the beach!", everyone went to their perspective rooms to prepare their things again.

"Yah! Come back! Clean up your mess here!", Nayeon went together with them shouting around.

"What a bunch of weirdos.", I cleaned their mess and took a rest.

"Wake up guys! We are going to shoot for Twice TV 21 now!", manager-nim called for us.

"Where are we going manager-nim?", Nayeon asked him as she jumped out from the bed.

"Dinner.", he smiled.

"Woah! The streetlights look so cool and they even have Christmas lights even if it's not Christmas anymore!", Dahyun tapped the window as she was amazed on the view.

"Woah! There's many Koreans loitering here also!", Jeongyeon pointed on some Koreans.

"Yes, they are studying English here.", manager-nim told us.

"Filipinos speak English?!", Sana tapped his shoulder.

"Yes, they speak Tagalog/Filipino, and English.", he nodded. "And anyways, here in Bacolod, they have a dialect called Hiligaynon."

"Woah! They're so multilingual!", we are awed hearing those facts.

"Filipinos use their dialects according to their regions. They have like 70+ languages nationwide.", he continued. "But in order to understand each other, they either speak in Filipino or English."

"How did you even know about that manager-nim?", Mina asked him.

"I like Philippines.", he winked at us. "Come on, we have already arrived."

We got inside the restaurant and people bowed and smiled at us. They even told us that if we have some questions or requests, we can always call for them. They're so hospitable.

"Wow!", we gasped as we saw the foods that were being served.

"So this one is called, Lechon Kawali, a marinated pork, fried deeply in oil. Chicken adobo, this cuisine is a top for Filipinos and even tourists. Tinola, this is a tuna soup.", the waitress explained to us as we smiled at her.

"Momo! You're going to like this food!", Dahyun gave me the Lechon Kawali as I tasted it.

"Hmm! But I won't change Jokbal.", they laughed as I said it.

"It's awkward to munch this thing knowing that there are cameras around us.", Mina whispered to me as she pouted. "I like their food but we still have to be charming in front of the cameras."

"Not hard for me.", I smirked.

We are already done eating and we can't deny the fact that we really enjoyed the food. We went outside to take some pictures and to go shopping.

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