Chapter 28: It's 11:11

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Today is the last day of our sportsfest which means that it's our last game also. I'm expecting Momo to come cause today will be the declaration of the winners.

"Keito? Are you ready?", our captain said as she tapped my shoulder.

I don't know why but I don't really feel good right now. I feel like I'm carrying a heavy weight upon my shoulders. Maybe this is just because of playing basketball.

"Yes, I'm ready.", I tried to smile at my teammates.

I'm searching around the crowd to find Momo but it seems like she haven't arrived here yet. I saw a colorful poster and looked at it hoping it was her but, to no good, it was just Ai-san cheering for me.

"Raguna for 3!", the announcer yelled. "Oops! That was close!"

I tried to play my very best yet, my shots were not going inside the ring. What's happening to me? I don't want to disappoint everyone. The game already ended. We might have won the game but I feel guilty because I'm such a failure.

"Keito? Are you alright?", our team captain rushed to me.

"I'm sorry. I-i really am.", I cried on her shoulder trying to remove the pain inside my heart. "I didn't mean to disappoint you. I tried my best."

"It's alright Keito. It's just a bad day. It will pass away.", she caressed my back. "Let's go now."

It was the declaration of the champions and we were declared as the champions in basketball girls. I smiled as everyone cheered for us. I feel happy that my so-called fangirls never left my side when they saw me crying. I don't think I'm going to call them as my fans, they're like my friends.

Momo's POV

"What?! You haven't told Keito that we are going back to Korea?", Nayeon yelled at me making everyone listen to us.

"Relax. We're coming back next month.", I assisted her back to her seat. "I'll come back to her as soon as I can."

"Are you crazy?! What will she react?!", Nayeon stood up again and slapped my arm. "You shouldn't let her wait for you. You also know that we cannot contact with them all the time, right? We're going to be busy!"

"Nayeon's right.", Mina interrupted.

"Whatever. We'll go back there next month anyways.", I crossed my arms and went back to my seat.

"How can you be so sure of that?", Nayeon went to me again. "What if we don't? What are you going to then?"

I covered my ears with my headphones hoping for Nayeon to stop talking as soon as possible. Being here inside the airplane and having someone yelling to you is a bad day.


"Woah! So you were distracted because Momo wasn't there?", Ai-san walked together with me as we are heading towards the place where the Twice members are staying.

"Just shut up.", I glared at her as I rang the doorbell for five times yet, no one's answering me.

"It seems like no one's here Keito.", Ai-san peeked inside.

"Maybe they all went somewhere then.", I shrugged it off. "Let's just go home then. Momo will call me later."

"Sure, let's go back.", she placed her arm on my shoulder as we went back.

It's already 8'o'clock and I haven't received any messages from Momo or even just from the other members. Are they planning something for me again? I took my coat and walked outside going to our secret place. As I was walking, I looked around the streets to find Momo.

"Babe? Are you here?", my voice echoed around the place.

So she's not here. Maybe she have other secret places besides this place. She said she's a mysterious person right?

I woke up feeling the coldness of the whirling wind. If you're only hear to wrap me in your arms. I would never felt this sickness in the air. I looked at my watch and saw the time, it's 11:11. That was my wish.

Momo's POV

"Keito, is that you?", I looked at her with a sad smile.

Why isn't she answering me? Why does it feel like... she hates me? Let me feel what you feel.

"Keito.", I called for her again as I reached for her hand.

"I'm happy now Momo-san. Go away.", she smiled and left me alone until the rain dropped on the surface.

"Keito.", I cried together with the crying sky. "I'm really sorry. Please be happy without me."

I jumped up from my bed and looked at the time. Time check, it's 11:11. How I wish that, that dream won't ever happen. I can't go back to sleep now. I feel sick.

"Momo, are you okay?", Jeongyeon woke up and comforted me as I answered her with a nod. "Wait, I'll be right back."

I looked at my phone looking at Keito's phone number. I forgot that I cannot call her since she's from another country. Why doesn't she even have a LINE? I badly want to talk to her.

"Here, drink this.", Jeongyeon offered me the water. "Having a nightmare?"

"I don't know.", Jeongyeon touched my forehead and her eyes widened.

"Momo! You're so hot! I should call a doctor!", Jeongyeon gasped and went outside again. "Guys! Momo is having a fever! Someone call the doctor!"

Everyone gathered and went inside our room panicking as I saw Sana calling on her phone though I can't understand what she's saying. I-i feel dizzy...


It's been a week since I haven't received any news from the Twice members especially Momo. Here I am, talking with Ai-san inside my dorm.

"Woah! What did you say?! My cousin's a Kpop idol?!", Ai-san choked on her ramen. "Unbelievable."

"Are you sure you didn't know about that?!", I asked her. "Their group is famous here in Japan!"

"What's the name of their group?", she asked me as she still can't believe it.


"Twice? I might have heard it before. Anyways, I'm not interested.", she ate her ramen again.

"You're not even sure if you have heard Twice before?! Are you being serious?", I whined.

"Twice as serious.", she nodded. "So that's the reason why she's wearing a mask with some girls during your first game."

"Yes.", I nodded.

"Hmm. So what do you feel right now?", she asked.

"I feel bad. If they went back to Korea, she should've told me sooner. It seems like she didn't respect me and my feelings.", I frowned. "I kinda hate her now then."

"You can't hate her.", she crossed her arms as soon as she was done eating. "But I'll respect your decision."

"Can you go with me to the secret place Ai-san?", I pleaded.

Here I am again back on our secret place, hoping that the sun will shine tomorrow to bring me a little bit of heat on my body.

"Why did you leave me?! Don't you even care for me?! That was fast! I hate you for that! I hate you for keeping a secret from me!", I yelled as Ai-san is trying to calm me.

"Where are you now?", I cried in the middle of the night.

"Stop that. Let's go now.", Ai-san grabbed me.

"Can we wait until 11:11?", I never thought that I'm kneeling with tears in my eyes. "I just want to make a wish in this place."

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