Chapter 15: Truth Is

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Momo's POV

I can't wait to see her again and I can't wait to be with her for the whole day and night. When I heard Nayeon said that she's going to join with us today, I instantly packed a lot of things especially beauty products and perfumes. The truth is, I don't want to mess myself in front of her. I guess I'm in love with her. Should I confess it or not?

"Momo, go down now. You should take her things. Be a man.", Jeongyeon teased me. "Yah! Nayeon, I should transfer there beside you. This seat is for Momo's Keito only."

"As much as I don't want to sit beside you and I want Keito beside me, I guess it's okay.", she frowned.

"Keito will sit here on the front seat. Jeong, since you are now seated beside Nayeon and Mina, I have no choice but to sit beside Momo then.", Jihyo went to sit beside me.

"Yah! Jihyo! Keito will be lonely!", all of them are complaining now.

"Silence. She won't. She can talk to all of you there since you're near her.", she answered back. I felt bad but I don't want to argue with Jihyo anymore. I went to Keito's dorm and knocked on the door.

"Hey! It's nice to see you again Momo-san!", she hugged me and I never dared to hug her back as I'm afraid that she'll feel my shaking hands.

"I-it's nice to see you too. W-we have to go now. W-where are your things? I'll carry them." I calmly asked her.

"Oh! No need to help me Momo-san. I did not bring much." she said as she took her bag and she's right, she didn't bring much. Still, I took her backpack and wore it on my back as I waited for her.

"Eh?! Momo-san! It's okay! Let me carry it.", I ran from her and went inside the car chuckling.

"Yah! Momo! It's bad to leave a lady! And also, open the door for her!", Jeongyeon looked back at me. I never thought Jeongyeon would be teaching me such stuffs.

I went out again and opened the door on the front seat seeing Keito walk towards the car. I smiled at her and said sorry to her when I ran away.

"You should sit here so that you would be comfortable.", I assured her which she returned with a bright smile.

After closing the door, our driver started the engine and went on the way. I glanced at Jihyo and I saw her sleeping very well. The members were also sleeping and here I am staring at Keito who's listening with her earphones on.


Finally! We arrived at the hot spring. The ride on the way here was so awkward as I've got no one to talk to. I never thought that they would behave like that.

"Attention! Before warming ourselves on the spring, we have to place our things on our rooms first. We have 5 rooms which means that there will be two people on each rooms. The pairings are...", Nayeon is reading a paper and it seems like they've already planned for this. "Me and Jeongyeon, Jihyo and Mina, Sana and Chaeyoung, Tzuyu and Dahyun, and last but not the least, Momo and Keito-chan!"

Jeongyeon keeps on complaining why she have to be in the same room with Nayeon, Jihyo is being herself, Mina is giving Momo a thumbs up, Sana is clinging to Chaeyoung who's avoiding her, while Dahyun and Tzuyu are glaring at each other. I went to Momo's side and tapped her back as Nayeon is giving out the keys.

"Uhh.. Let's go now to our room Keito.", Momo left me behind as she went to our room.

"That rude girl! I should teach her, her lessons!" pointed Jeongyeon as I laughed at her. I followed Momo behind and we entered our room making us shocked.

"Uhh. Keito, I can sleep on the sofa if you're uncomfortable with this." Momo said when we saw that there's only on king size bed inside.

"Ah! It's okay Momo-san! Let's sleep together!", I covered my mouth when I saw Momo blushing hard. "I-I mean... W-we can sleep beside each other."

"I-I have to change Keito!", she went directly on the comfort room taking her clothes with her.

I blushed when the words I've said keeps on repeating on my mind. There was a heavy knock on the door and it opened slightly. I saw two eyes peeking and a voice called my name.

Momo's POV

I'm done changing and I'm wearing a simple bathing suit as I've realized that Keito is not around anymore. I covered myself with the bathrobe and went outside searching for her. It's my fault that maybe I scared her.

"Hey guys! Have you seen Keito pass by?", I joined Tzuyu and Chaeyoung's conversation.

"Nope. What did you do this time? Did you peek on her while she's changing?!" Tzuyu accused me and gasped.

"Yah! I'm not that pervert! I just changed and the next thing that happened was that she's not in our room anymore.", I slapped both of them while I'm blushing.

"Hahaha. Let's go to the spring now. Maybe she's already there." Chaeyoung winked at me as I joined the two of them.

We went to the spring and it's no surprise that the temperature of the room is warm. Looking around, Jihyo, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Dahyun are already there but there's no sight of Keito. I took my bathrobe off and dipped on the hot water. I wonder if she's with Mina and Sana right now. Where did they take her? I just want to her to be with me.

"Why aren't you with Keito?", Nayeon splashed a water to my face making me gasp.

"Hey! Careful! The water's hot! I don't know! She's nowhere when I finished changing my clothes!" I splashed water back to her.

"Tsssk! I can't wait to see her in a bathing suit.", she smirked and I saw her devilish grin. I slapped her forehead making her caress it. "Ouch! Why did you that? Jealous much?"

"I'm not!"

"Don't worry! She's yours tonight!", she smirked at me again.

Yes, that's the truth, I want her to be my everything but not as what they're thinking, and not only for tonight. As I was about to catch Nayeon and fight her, we heard a small voice making us look behind.


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