Chapter 22: I Mean It

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Momo's POV

Once I saw Keito in front of me, I quickly closed and locked the door. I'm still afraid to face her after what I did.

"Hey! Open this!", I heard Mina shouting while banging the door. "This is my room too!"

I didn't move as I lie down on my bed. I didn't want to talk to them about this but it seems like they won't give up since they still opened the door with the spare key.

"What do you want?", I asked Mina glaring at her.

"Geez. Guilty much?", she sat beside me as she brought her penguin plushie. "If you keep on doing that, she will only think that it seems like she likes you more than you do."

"What are you even talking about?", I pushed her away as I didn't understand what she meant by that.

"It's not my right to talk about it but if I were you, I'd talk to Keito before it's too late. I mean it Momo.", saying those last words she went outside again.


I went upstairs to pack my things again. I really want to leave this house. It's a bit insulting that she slammed the door on my face. How dare her?

"Keito, can you please calm down?", Nayeon appeared stopping me. "We can fix this. Don't worry, Mina is talking to her. She'll talk to you."

"Seriously, there's nothing to talk about Nayeon-unnie. Excuse me.", I packed my things again.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk to her anymore?", she said as she followed me.

"I don't know. It's up to her.", I bowed as I walked out.

I grabbed Mika with me as we went outside. I didn't even bother to say goodbye to everybody. I hope they understand why I did that.

Momo's POV

"Yah! Baka! Look what you've done!", Nayeon suddenly appeared in front of me hitting me with a pillow.

"Ouch! What?! What did I do wrong now?", I blocked her as she still keeps on hitting me.

"She left already!", she whined. "If you'll keep on acting like that towards her, I won't speak to you again! I mean it Momo! Also, it seems like you're a turtle! You're so slow! Move!"

Leaving me alone again, I'm stucked with my thoughts again. Why don't they consider my feelings also? I grabbed my phone an hour after though I don't feel like doing it.

Me: Keito, can we meet? I think I'm ready to talk to you now.

I waited for an hour and got no reply at all. I mean it too, I'll be brave for her again.

Keito: Stores are closed now. Just go to the cafe tomorrow where we first met. Same time when we met before, also.

The cafe? The place where I first saw her and it was love at first sight. I could feel it, that there's really a red string between us. We're meant to be.

Me: Yes, thank you for giving me this chance. See you tomorrow.

Whatever happens, I'll accept everything that she will say even if it would hurt me or would bring joy to me.


I woke up as early as I can even though I don't even know if I'm excited or not. I just want to make things clear. I prepared everything and went to the cafe immediately. It's a good thing that the cafe is just a walk from here.

"Happy New Year Ms!", the same waitress whom me and Momo have helped greeted me when I entered the cafe.

"Happy New Year too Ms! Have a great year ahead!", I bowed smiling at her and looked around.

I was shocked that Momo's already here even if my place is nearer than hers. I walk straight to her table as she suddenly stood up and bowed on me. My heart fluttered when she pulled the chair motioning me to sit.

"Hey. Good Morning.", she awkwardly said it. "What coffee do you want?"

"Hmmm. I'd like to drink a cafe latte in this cold morning." I smiled at her as she called the waitress.

"One cafe latte and one caramel macchiato please.", my heart fluttered again when she ordered what I want first than her order. It seems like she's putting me first than herself. "And a chocolate cake."

But why did she order one cake only? Is she being greedy again? Oops. I should not judge a person just because of this.

"Uhh! I haven't properly greeted you yet. Happy New Year Keito-chan.", she said breaking the awkwardness on the air.

"Oh! Yes, Happy New Year too Momo-san. Let's hope to have a wonderful memories this year.", I smiled at her shyly.

We were quiet the whole time until our orders arrived. I smelled the sweet aroma of the coffee again regaining myself.

"Excuse me, but can I have another fork?", Momo called the waitress again as she came back with another fork.

"Keito, if you don't mind, let's share with this cake.", she handed me the fork which I gladly take.

"Thank you.", I smiled at her and we enjoyed the food.

Sharing with one cake? It seems like we are a piece of cake. The cake that's sweet and became more sweeter because of this.

"Momo-san.", I called for her attention. "Can we talk about what happened on the New Year's Eve?"

I suddenly felt her uneasiness which made me doubt if I should continue this topic. As much as I want to talk to her about it, I have to respect her comfort zone.

"I mean it.", she interrupted my thoughts. "I really mean it and I'm sorry if I feel this way to you."

"You don't have to.", I took her hand and comforted her. "Actually, I'm unsure about my feelings but, maybe we can try?"

She suddenly widened her eyes and opened her mouth widely without words slipping out from it. Her reaction made me blush that I think I'd like to hide somewhere.

"Hello! Earth to Momo-san!", I tapped the table to bring her back to the reality. "If you ever think that I'm lying and was only forced, I'm telling you now, I mean it Momo-san. I guess we could try and observe if we will work together."

"Don't ever call me 'Momo-san'!", she yelled immediately looking away.

"Huh? Then what should I call you?", I focused myself at her.

"You can call me...", I waited for her response but instead she looked at me and smirked.


Hi guys! I'm still not sure if I could post on Monday and Tuesday since we're going to have our exams. Is it ok? I'll try my best! 💖

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