Chapter 40: Stay With Me

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"Momo! Please! Stay with me!", I called for her as I'm still watching her from far away.

Momo left me as she moved forward towards Kai who's still pointing his gun to me.

"Kai oppa, please put that down.", Momo motioned her hand to command Kai to put his gun down.

I looked at Jihyo who seems to have a plan as she whispered something on Mina who keeps on nodding her head. Both of them are determined to stop this situation.

"Choose now Momo. Are you going to stay with me?", he smirked as he keeps on moving his gun to threaten us. "Or are you going to stay with her?"

Why is my heart sinking on what Momo's answer will be? She's going to choose me right? She's going to stay with me always right?

"I-i.", she turned back to me as I see her eyes holding the pain inside. "I'll choose you Kai oppa."

I'd rather die than to hear those words. She could've let my blood flow with the waves than let my heart sink in the middle of the sea.

"Then come beside me.", he told Momo who's still doubting. "Come my baby."

"Can you put your gun down oppa?", Momo trembled.

"My baby's afraid?", he pouted as he slowly put his gun down. "Sure, for you."

Momo got near him as he hugged Momo tightly as if he doesn't want to let go but he broke their hug and smiled at Momo.

"You think you can trick me? I know you won't love me if she's still alive Momo!", he yelled as he pulled the trigger towards me.

Bam! I closed my eyes as I see Momo's eyes. If this is a dream, please let me wake up. I still want to be with Momo for a long time.

"Momo!", Mina shouted as I could hear her voice increasing.

Why am I still alive? Why can I hear rumbling voices and sound of punches around? Don't tell me...

"Momo! Wake up!", Mina cupped Momo's cheeks as she keeps on shaking her.

"What have you done?! I'll kill you!", Jihyo is on top of Kai as she keeps on punching him.

The ambulance and patrol came as they rushed towards us. Kai's face is bleeding, Jihyo's hands are full of blood, Mina's shirt is full of blood, and Momo's chest is bleeding.

"Y/N, I'm sorry we acted late! This wouldn't happen because of us!", Mina cried on my shoulder as we were guided by some medical workers.

"I'll go there later Mina. For now, take care of Y/N while I'll make a report about this incident.", Jihyo caressed Mina's head as she went with the patrol.

I'm used on the smell and the weeping inside the hospital. But this time, it's different. I feel dizzy.

"Take her to the emergency room!", a nurse yelled while they run faster.

"Sorry ma'am, you cannot enter inside.", the nurse stopped as as we waited outside.

"No, let me in. I'm a doctor too.", I showed my I.D to the nurse.

"I'm really sorry but we can't let-", I shoved her on the side and entered the room.

"I'm clear, you're clear, we are all clear.", the doctor nodded on the workers as he positioned the defibrillator pads on Momo's chest.

"What the hell is your problem?! You cannot administer that when the patient is wet!", I took the defibrillator pads on the doctor's hands.

"Who are you?! Why are you here?!", he scolded me. "You know nothing about this operation!"

"I know nothing about this? For your information, I'm Dr. Y/N. At your service.", I sarcastically said while he gasped.

"Switch the defibrillator off! Everyone! Dry the patient first!", I clapped my hands although I'm panicking.

"Doctor, you perform this. I'll guide you.", I bowed as I am requesting the other doctor. "I can't do this. It's not good to be distracted emotionally."

"I'll do my best Dr. Y/N.", he bowed too.

Her heartbeats' rhythm, it's not working well. It's not normal. Please beat properly. I'm here. I'll stay with you. The left pad attached on the upper chest and the right pad on her apex, I'll stay with you to watch you.

"Once again, clear.", the doctor yelled as he is determined to revive Momo.

The doctor pushed the shock button as there's no improvement shown on her heartbeats' rhythm. What was a straight line before, keeps on rising again and again. Please, maintain a normal heartbeat. Don't go straight again. How many minutes did we perform this? Why is there no answer? There's a sound that gave noise to the whole room. I'm not glad but I should be.

"Stop. Do the CPR right now.", I declared as I heard the defibrillator indicate that the patient's hearbeat is back to normal again. "I should go out. Take care of her very well."

I looked on the bullet that they took first before performing defibrillation. The sharp bullet that was shot straight on her chest. That golden bullet I want to melt with the fire in my eyes. I went out as Mina grabbed my shoulders. She's still crying until the other members hugged us. Her heartbeat might be back to normal, but, this ain't normal anymore.

"Tell me that she is still alive Y/N.", Mina cried as she is almost kneeling on the ground.

"She's...", I stuttered as tears flowed out from my eyes as the members were hoping for a good news that might come out from my mouth.

"She's in a coma.", the doctor appeared as he removed his mask. "The bullet entered deeper inside her chest."

The members cried harder and Mina keeps on beating her chest, regretting everything that had happened. I went outside and bought many bottles of alcoholic drinks.

"Y/N, you should visit Momo! It's almost a month since you're only getting yourself drunk here.", Tzuyu hugged me and fixed the mess on my room.

They might have transferred Momo back to my city and most of all, to the hospital where I'm working, but, I don't have any courage to visit her since this is all my fault.

"I'm going now Y/N. Just tell me if you're coming to the hospital.", she waved as she went outside.

I took a shower and felt the heat dropping as the water keeps on dripping on my skin. I wasn't ready for this. I dressed well and rode my car to the hospital.

"Dr. Y/N! How are you doing?", the medical staffs approached me as they knew what happened.

"I'm fine. Where's Momo's room?", I asked them as I faked a smile.

"Let me lead you Dr. Y/N.", the nurse bowed to me as I followed her. "You know Dr. Y/N, she's not improving. Maybe she's waiting for you."

"Thank you.", I said as I faced Momo's room.

Should I knock? But, she's not going to open it, right? She's not going to be surprised knowing that she's unconscious.

Just as I was about to knock on the door, the door opened revealing PD-nim who's staring at me with unexplainable reaction.

"Y/N ah!", Dahyun ran to me as she brought me inside. "PD-nim! She's Y/N."

"Ah! So she's the one that Momo loves. I see.", he smiled a little. "I should go now. I need to fix some things."

"We should go out also.", Jihyo told the others as she nodded at me.

"Come on now guys! Get outside!", Nayeon called for them as she's already outside.

When all of the members went outside, I went to Momo's side as I did not dare to touch her. My touch might bring her pain.

"Are you really my destiny? If so, let's cut this. We always face a long tragedy whenever we're happy.", I cried as I talked to her even is she's not awake. "We're always falling together. Goodbye."

"Stay with me.", that's what I always keep on telling Momo.

Author's Note: Next chapter will be the ending! Huhuhu See ya all!

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