Chapter 32: What If

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Jihyo's POV


I saw a girl fell when our fans gathered outside our van. I want to help her but I can't go out with my situation. Poor fan. I feel so sorry for her.

"We're now ready to take off.", our driver said.

"Can we stay for a moment? Some fans might be hurt if we won't go slow.", I answered him as I am still looking at the girl outside.

I smiled when another girl helped her up and she even frowned while they were walking away from our van. Our van starts to go as I'm still looking at the girl.

She looks so beautiful. What if I'll see her next time? Should I make a move? I'm afraid she's not our fan. It seems like she didn't notice us.

I saw someone peeking outside the door of the cafe. She seems familiar. Wait, what if she's the girl I saw last time? I'm right! It's her! I liked her more when she helped the waitress who fell but I got jealous when Momo returned on her seat and everyone's teasing her with the girl.

"Momo, you are not allowed to date.", I spoke out to remind her.

"I won't ever date a stranger! I swear!" she answered making me feel comfortable that nothing will ever happen to them.

I noticed that Momo keeps on staring at the girl and avoids her whenever the girl moves. What if she's in love with her too? I can't let this happen.

"Manager-nim messaged me to meet with him now. We have to go.", I interrupted the members who keep on teasing Momo. "Go first."

I let them went outside first since I want to stay a little longer to memorize the face I liked the most. What if I'll talk to her?

I'm tired of hearing my members talking about that stranger and that Momo likes her. They talk about that issue during our practice, whenever we eat, and even now on our Mafia Game.

"Enough! Go to your rooms now!" I yelled hoping that they won't sense how jealous I am.

"Yah! Jihyo! Why are you always being like that whenever we talk about Momo's stranger crush?!" Nayeon slapped my arm.

"Just go to your rooms now!", I slammed the door and punched the wall.

I can't do this anymore. Why do I feel jealous just because I like that stranger? What if our group will be a mess because of my actions? I can't let this happen.

I was running away from the cameras and our fans. It's my fault that I went out alone. I have nowhere else to go and no one's gonna protect me now until I felt a hand grabbed me and hid me on a dark place between the two buildings. Before I can protest, I realized it's her. I did talk to her but I can't really focus since my knees got weak from too much running.

"Follow me.", she held my hand tightly as we dashed on the street.

I think I'm going crazy not because of our speed, but because of how she held my hand tightly. What if she feels the way I feel too?

"W-where are you g-going to take m-me?" I tried to talk clearly.

"Do you trust me? Or should I leave you here in the middle of this street?", she said making me think of how rude she is.

"I trust you. Take me anywhere as long as I am with you. I guess I'll be fine then.", I answered not caring about her attitude.

She took me to a little hill where fantasies became realities. I was even shocked when she knew my name, when she revealed that I'm her main bias. I'm so blessed that she revealed it.

She let me stay for a few minutes on her dorm until my members will arrive to take me. I looked around the wall hoping to find more informations about her.

"That's odd. You don't have baby pictures or any pictures of you?", I asked her as I felt disappointed.

"It's more odd if I bring a photo of me when I can just go back to my house every vacation. And, it's more odd that you are searching for my photos, Jihyo-unnie.", she's clever.

"Hey! I'm not! I just noticed that your room is sort of lacking.", I lied and changed the topic. "How about we put decorations here next time?"

Everytime Momo is around near Keito and I, it's the most terrible feeling I feel. I act as if I'm bored, as if I have the urge to interrupt them. What if Keito will like Momo?

"You have to stay away from Keito.", I said in a harsh tone.

"Why are you always contradicting to this issue?!", Momo yelled slightly.

I'm sorry Momo, I love you as a member but I love Keito also that I don't want her to be hurt. What if she falls in love with you? It's wrong. I can't deal with this.

I asked Keito to hangout with me tonight to take a bath again on the hot spring. But, she had any doubts. She turned down my invitation making me feel the sting inside especially when I followed her that night. Seeing Momo and her together enjoying the beauty of nature, I need to accept the fact that Keito's eyes speak different whenever she's with Momo.

Today, Momo confirmed to everyone that they're already together. I went directly to Keito trying to calm myself before I spit some hurtful words to her for not realizing my feelings. Sorry, it's my fault too, it's my fault that I did not say those words before it's too late. You look so happy that it makes me sad but I shouldn't hate her, since she makes you happy like that. But what if it was me? What if it was me who's the one who looks at you inside your eyes? What if I was your everything?

*End Of Flashback*

I punched the wall and cried harder as I tried to remember everything and realized how stupid I was to entrust Keito to Momo. Keito wouldn't be on such ruckus right now if it wasn't because of me. What if my what ifs happened?

Momo's POV

*5 Years Later*

Jihyo and I weren't talking much from the last five years. We felt awkward when we fought with each other. If you were to ask me, I haven't yet moved on from Keito. Despite of the five years that me and Kai were together, we haven't kissed even if he keeps on forcing it. I don't care if he'll grow tired of me. I don't care if he'll leave me.

"Honey, excuse me, I'll just go to the bathroom.", he said as he removed his arms around me while we're watching a movie.

The movie is so boring it's not as interesting as the movie Upside Down. What if I'm just bored of this movie cause it's not Keito who's with me? I moved a little and have felt a small bump on my butt so I removed it. It was Kai's cellphone.

"What's his password?", I mumbled under my breath. "Oh, maybe it's my name."

I typed my name and luckily, I opened it without any struggle. I scrolled on his messages, his gallery, and wait, what was that? What the hell is this?! What if he is?...

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