Chapter 37: Someone Like Me

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Momo's POV

"Ai-san! Long time no see!", Dr. Y/N suddenly shouted on the hall and she's also speaking in Japanese. "You surprised me with your presence! You should have told me so that I could prepare!"

"Hey! I'm sorry but I just want myself to be a present for you and I know you're busy with your work.", I saw my cousin Ai approached Dr. Y/N. "So my Y/N is a doctor now huh?"

"I missed you so much!", Dr. Y/N hugged Ai.

I stared at Jihyo who was clueless on what's going on since she didn't know that the other person was my cousin.

"I thought Dr. Y/N isn't engaging herself on relationships?", Jihyo mumbled as I felt sorry for her.

"Ji, I'm sorry. You can't love that doctor.", I looked at her with a serious expression.

"Why? I thought you're not interested on her?", she was confused.

"I love her.", I left Jihyo and went towards Ai and Keito.

"What the hell?!", Jihyo's face looks sour.

"Long time no see too, beloved cousin.", I said as I placed my hands inside my pocket.

They looked at me with shock plastered on their faces. Wait, what am I doing? They are together right? My heart became bigger just now.

"What are you doing here?", she hid Dr. Y/N on her back. "I told you before not to bother us."

"I am not.", I shrugged though I felt jealous. "I'm not even here for Keito slash Dr. Y/N. I didn't know that you changed your name Keito."

Both of them went speechless making the tension bigger among the three of us. I even forgot that there's another person behind.

"What Keito are you talking about?", Jihyo interrupted as realization hit her.

"Dr. Y/N is Keito, and Jihyo, you can't take her away from me. I told you I love her right? I love her cause she's my Keito.", I turned to Jihyo then turned to Ai. "And Ai, I'll take her away from you. Just wait for it."

"And Keito or should I say Dr. Y/N, nowhere you can find someone like me.", I whispered to her ear as I passed by her

I left the three of them alone as I smirked walking along the corridor. Why did I do that? Somehow, I want to show her all of my heart.

"Did you and Jihyo talked already? Did she confess her feelings about Dr. Y/N to you?", Mina appeared by my side as I entered the room.

"She cannot love her.", I said making them all stop doing anything.

"Why? You don't love that doctor Momo, do you?", Mina asked with a smile visible in her eyes.

"I've always been in love with Dr. Y/N."

"What are you talking about?! So you met before already?", Nayeon leaned her face on me.

"Dr. Y/N is Keito.", they all gasped when I said it.


I looked at Jihyo who was still standing in front of me as she is staring below her feet. I feel so sorry for not trusting her. I never thought that someone like me would lie to her.

"Ji-", I moved closer to her as she motioned her hand for me to stop.

"I don't need an explanation. I was hurt. Don't worry. I'm not mad.", she forced a smile even if her eyes are becoming teary.

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