Chapter 12: You Got Me Flying Up

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"You have to go with us to celebrate the success of our concert!", Sana pinched my cheeks while I'm still tucked in her arms. We are heading towards the venue again and she guided me as the staffs are staring at me.

"Why are you staring at her like that? Is she really that cute?", she pouted towards the staffs making them smile shyly.

"Sana, why are you bringing a stranger here? You know it's not allowed unless-", a guy confronted her while he's staring at me.

"Yah! Manager-nim, this is Jihyo's savior. She is a friend now. She deserves this.", Sana proudly said it to their manager and left without hearing anything from him again.

Sana opened a door and revealed all the members who were still changing their clothes and I saw shirts flying away everywhere, dropping to the faces of other members. I covered my eyes especially when Momo is on the middle with her sports bra and pants only.

"Yah! Sana! Why did you bring her here?! You know how messy we are after our performances!", I heard Momo yelling after Sana. I peeked a little and saw that Momo hurriedly wore her shirt.

"I thought you're innocent but it seems like you're on cloud 9 now.", Sana whispered to me as I widened my eyes when she caught me peeking. "Sorry Momoring~ Keito is just too excited to see us."

"Stop lying Sana. You're the one who grabbed her outside.", Tzuyu unexpectedly appeared inside.

"Yah! How did you know?!", Sana asked Tzuyu.

"We were together when we went outside then you left and have forgotten all about me when you caught Keito. How dare you.", Tzuyu coldly answered Sana.

"We were? Maybe you're just the one following me behind!"

"Momo, why did you cover yourself when they got inside? You're always confident with your body and keeps on showing your abs." a nonmember girl laughed at Momo.

"Oh! Right! She keeps on bragging about her sexiness but she panicked when she saw Sana and Keito! It seems like her body flew with how shocked she was!", Dahyun laughed with the nonmember person too.

"That's not true!", Momo glared at them

"Guys, let's go now. The van's outside already.", Jihyo interrupted them and went outside.

"Here she goes again.", Nayeon rolled her eyes.

We went outside and I saw Jihyo looking at me. She motioned me to come to her so I went to her side. The nonmember was laughing with Momo and it seems like they were enjoying. I don't know why but I felt jealous when I saw them being so much close that they even cling to each other's arms. We finally arrived in the restaurant and they ordered while I'm talking with Jihyo on my side. I keep on glancing at Momo in front of me still laughing with the nonmember. The foods finally arrived and everyone cheered up and took some photos of the foods.

"Oops! Before we dig in, I will make a toast! Wait for a moment guys!", Nayeon called for our attention. "I just want to thank everyone who have supported us. Hana, who came even if she's just staying at the backstage. To Keito, who tricked us saying that she won't come to our concert and in the end she's unexpectedly there. To Jihyo, our leader-nim, who takes care of us always. Of course! To everyone for the teamwork! Good job to us for being successful! Congratulations to us! Congratulations to Momo also!"

"Umm... I did not tricked you...", I interrupted making them quiet as I looked at Momo. "I thought you all gave me the ticket through Momo-san?"

"Momo gave you a ticket?!", they all shouted.

"Guys! Calm down! It was my idea together with Momo. We planned on how to repay for Keito's kindness last night and Momo remembered that Keito said she wants to watch our concert.", Mina stood up and looked at everyone making them nod their heads.

"Thank you for being thoughtful, Mina-san and Momo-san." I bowed at them.

"Oh! Hi! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Hana, Momo's sister.", the unknown girl extended her right hand to me as I shook it.

"Hi. Nice to meet you Hana-san. I'm Keito."

"Let's eat now! I'm hungry!", Momo grabbed her sister's arm and took some foods.

Oh! So it's her sister! But they don't look alike! How dare me get jealous of her. Now, it feels like I'm flying.

Momo's POV

We were already done and we drove Keito back to her dorm as she's already sleepy cause she said she's used in sleeping early. I'm sad that she have to go now. I told my members to go home first so I can walk my sister to her hotel.

"My little sister's in love huh?", she chuckled as she punched my shoulder.

"What are you talking about?", I punched her back.

"Isn't it enough proof that you asked me for the ticket just for her to watch? That your cheeks turned red when she came inside the room while you weren't dressed yet? That you're glaring at Jihyo when she motioned for Keito to come with her? That it seems like you're flying whenever she looks at you during your performance and even in the restaurant cause you are facing her? I'm not stupid like you Momo.", she's laughing at me now.

"Okay! I'm not sure if I'm in love, but yeah, you're right, she got me flying up. In conclusion, I'm confused especially that she's a girl."

"You might have dated with a boy before but that doesn't mean you can't be in love with a girl. I'll support you.", she patted my back. "I'm here already. You have to go home now before some fans would recognize you and what happened to Jihyo will happen to you. Unless if you really want it to happen for Keito to save you too?"

"Baka! You go inside now! But yes, I wished I have met her earlier than Jihyo. Thanks for your support. I'm so lucky to have a sister like you." I hugged her tight.

I arrived on our place already and it seems like the lights are still open even if it's so quiet. I opened the door and I saw someone sitting on the sofa.

"Can I talk to you?" she placed her phone down and crossed her arms.

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