"Girlllll, you better hope that Tony never finds out." Inaya said. I shook my head. "I know this. Anyways- that's over with. I'm just focusing on Tony, Cai and my baby boy. I can't believe that I almost messed up my marriage, honestly." I stated. "Is Tony having some type of suspicions about you and him?" She then asked me as she got comfortable on the couch. "Yes, that's literally mostly what the argument was about earlier. The thing that I didn't like was that he brought my baby in the argument. He called Cai downstairs and asked her what questions she asked me about Shemar. Before that, I told Tony that Cai was asking me questions about Shemar. I mean-....he was upset once I said that. That's what I don't like at all- bringing her into all of this. It's not fair and she doesn't deserve to be anymore confused as she already is. I'm very cautious about what I introduce Cai to because she's just a baby still. Well, she's always gonna be my baby but Tony just crossed the line. Then, he even cursed around her. You know how I feel about that. Yet, when he gets upset- his mouth sometimes lets something slip around her. You already know what happened a while ago with Cai." I said as I explained to Inaya. "Right. Yeah- that's.....that's a lot." Inaya said as she shook her head. "Exactly but welcome to my life. Full of confusion and yeah." I said as I sighed.
"Seem's like I came at a good time. I'm your girl. I'll help you feel better about all of this. Don't worry- things will start to get better soon between you two. You really just need to talk to him about all of this. You two are walking around here acting like you're all in love around Cai and then when you get's a different story. Stop that. It's gonna get old fast. Once you have an argument about something? Squash it right then and there. You might not think this but Cai notices when you two are truly not okay. Babies can feel that tension between the parents always. Especially that baby right there. He knows that his Mommy isn't happy right now....that's how sensitive babies are." Inaya said as she pointed towards my belly. I tried to hold back my tears. "It's just like one moment we are okay and the next- we aren't. Our marriage has always been hard but this is just...another level. I know that he's right about everything but I don't want to admit that I did what I did with Shemar. I can't." I said as I looked up at the ceiling and tried to make sure that the tears didn't come out. Inaya then came in and gave me a hug. "You'll Be Fine, Peps. You know that I love you and that man in there loves you to death. Talk to him, Okay?" Inaya said as she then broke the hug, put her hands on my shoulders and looked my in my eyes. I nodded.AFTER INAYA LEFT
LATER THAT NIGHT"Tony..." I said as I slipped in bed and looked over towards him. "Yeah?" He said as he didn't look up from his phone. "We need to talk about this. We can't just walk around here acting like what happened earlier didn't happen. You know that." I said as I pulled the covers up a little. He then put his phone down and turned towards me. "Alright. Let's talk." He then said. I nodded my head and got comfortable in bed. "I didn't like how you brought Cai into our conversation. It just didn't line up with what I want for her. Nor, does the cursing line up. We've talked about this many times but it's like the anger always gets in the way in the moment." I then said. Tony took a deep breath. "I agree. I was wrong for doing that. I shouldn't have brought our baby into this." Tony then said in a sincere voice. I just looked at him and didn't say anything next. "I was-...I don't know. It's over now though and it was stupid in the first place." He then said. "You're right. We were supposed to come together to talk about Cai. Yet, we made it about us and....Shemar." I then said. "You're right." Tony said as he agreed.
"What did he say?" Inaya asked as we were on the phone. I was looking for something to wear at this doctors appointment while talking to her about how the talk went. "He basically just apologized about bringing Cai into the situation and cursing. That's pretty much all." I admitted as I looked through my clothes hanging up. I then stepped back to look at my entire closet and sighed. "I feel like I have nothing to wear." I said as I started to search again. "Girl, I'm pretty sure that you have something to wear. You've always been that way- feeling like you have nothing to wear but yah got a big ass closet full of clothes." Inaya said. I laughed a small laugh. "Well....yeah. Imma find something but back to what we were talking about. I still feel like we need to talk about us now. We've talked about Cai. Now, we need to get us together. Our marriage has always been confusing." I said as I pulled something out to wear. I then held the phone between my ear and my shoulder as I held it up. I then walked out of the closet and placed it on the bed. "Speaking of Tony. Where is your man?" Inaya said. "He went to work hours ago and baby girl is at school. He should be here to get me any second. We gotta go check on this Baby and make sure everything is going well. You know the deal." I said.
(Idk if Inaya has kids in real life but welcome to my book 🤷🏽♀️ she's gonna have a kid tooooday.)
"Yessss. I definitely do. My pumpkin is growing up too. She's 7 now, Cheryl. I should bring her over the next time so that her and your baby can play while we do what we do." She said. I smiled. "I think that Bre and Cai would hit it off. They are both very energetic." I mentioned. "How about you two come over tonight?" I asked her. "We'll be there. Let me know how that baby boy of yours is doing. I gotta go. Love yah, Peps." Inaya said. "Love you too." I said as we both then hung up the phone.

Falling From The Floor
FanfictionCheryl and Tony have been married for a few years now. They even have a beautiful baby girl who is 5 years old named, Caiya. Every time they talk to each other- they can't help but to argue. Tony has done some horrible things in his past and the onl...