"Come on, baby. Keep your head straight." I said as I was doing Cai's hair before her last day of school. She was watching one of her favorite shows while I was doing her hair. It's the only thing that will keep her still and in place while I tried to finish up. Tony had already left for work and now it was just Cai and I. Iyana already picked up Bre earlier this morning because they had to be somewhere. "I don't wanna go tomorrow." Cai then said. "Why not?" I asked her as I stopped brushing her hair. "I don't know. I want to stay home with you and Ciyle." She then said as her eyes were still glued onto the TV. "It's your last day of school. You don't want to say bye to your friends until the next school year? You won't see them everyday during the summer unless you invite them over." I said as I continued. "Fine." Cai said. "You'll have fun and I heard that you guys will play some games." I then said. "Mommy, when can I go to another art class?" Caiya then asked me. "Whenever you wanna go." I said. "Can I go one day and take Bre with me?" She asked me. "If Auntie Inaya says it's okay." I then said.
"I almost told him yesterday." I said. Inaya's mouth dropped open when I said that. "Really?" She asked me. "Yes." I said as I put my hand on my head. "Oh gosh. Do you know how this could rip apart your marriage and harm your babies?" Inaya asked me. "Yes....yes. I do. I just need to tell him the truth. It's not fair to him." I said. " need to go see, Shemar?" Inaya asked me. "See Shemar for what?" I asked her. "I think that the root of all of this is because you miss Shemar. You need to go and put an end to those feelings." She said. "I don't know about that. He doesn't know how to keep his hands nor his lips to himself." I said. "It's up to you. Anyways-..." She said but my phone then started ringing. I answered it and Inaya waited for me to get off the phone. "Yes? Uhm....but why?" I asked Tony over the phone. " I come." I said as I looked at Inaya. I hung up the phone. " it okay if you were to watch Cai for me right quick for tonight?" I asked her. "Yeah! Sure! Go ahead. They're having a blast anyways." She then said. I then said thank you and made my way home.
As I made it home and opened the door- I called around for Tony.
"Tony? What's going on?" I said as I looked around the house. He then appeared from around the corner and hugged me from behind. "I just wanted some alone time with you." He said as I then turned around and looked at him. "We barely have alone time...." I said. "Right and that's why I wanna spend some time with you." He said as he tried to kiss me. I moved my face away from him. He just looked at me. "Are you kidding me? This is what we are doing again?" He asked me as he let me go. "I just-.....I can't." I said as I closed my eyes. "Damn. I still can't kiss my own wife." He said as he looked down and put his hands in his pockets. "Tony...I don't even know why you called me. Nothing is gonna get better." I told him as I walked away from him. "I called you because I wanted us to talk and get better. We can't talk with Cai around so- this is why I did this." He said as he followed me around the house. "Maybe I don't want to talk about it!" I said harshly. "That's because you love him isn't it?" He asked me as he grabbed my arm to stop me from walking. "You know what-.....just-..." I said as I moved his arm off of me. "Just what? Huh? Admit it. Some times-.....sometimes I wish that I would have left you. You don't appreciate me, Cheryl." Tony yelled at me. I then walked closer to him. "You've been drinking haven't you? You bastard." I said as I hit him in his chest. He just shook his head. "It's the truth though. Drunk or not. You weren't making me happy. I needed something to take the pain away. You don't think that it hurts knowing that my wife holds this same shit against me? I don't want that fucking woman. I want you. Damn, I don't know. I don't know at all. Why do you keep doing this? You're always hiding shit from me. I know the back of my hand. You've been lying." He said as his eyes started to water a bit. "You just made all of this even worse. So...I'll show you worse. Uhm hm." I said as I then walked out of the front door.
"What's wrong? What's wrong? Cheryl! Stop! Tell me what's wrong?" Shemar asked me as I rushed into his house as he opened his door and just cried. "Tony." I said as he looked me in my eyes. "What did he do? He didn't touch you, did he?" Shemar asked as he started to get upset. "No. He just-...he's making me so mad. Saying all of these things and I'm tired, Shemar. I'm tired of trying and trying. I've been staying there for my babies and for a moment it was getting better but I-...." I said as I stopped talking and just put my hand over my mouth and closed my eyes. I tried to stop crying and to calm down. "Come on." He said as he led me upstairs to one of his guest rooms. I got into bed and just cried into a pillow. Shemar rubbed my back as I continued to cry. He then also touched my belly during that moment. "I need to call Inaya." I said as I wiped my face and sat up.
"She said that she'll take Cai to school for me in the morning." I said as I laid back down in the bed. "Thats good." Shemar then said. I was then silent because so many things were going through my head at that moment.
Seeing her hurt, made me hurt. I never liked seeing her cry and knowing that he's the root of her unhappiness made me cringe. I want her so bad and I'm surprised that I was the first person she ran to after this, even though she cut our friendship off. I then looked up and noticed that Cheryl had fell asleep. I went to kiss her on her forehead and I then kissed her belly. I pulled the covers up so that she wouldn't be cold during the night. I smiled at her as I walked out and hopefully she can fully explain in the morning.

Falling From The Floor
FanfictionCheryl and Tony have been married for a few years now. They even have a beautiful baby girl who is 5 years old named, Caiya. Every time they talk to each other- they can't help but to argue. Tony has done some horrible things in his past and the onl...