I Know You Well...

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                            SHORT ONE

             CHERYL's POINT OF VIEW 

I knocked on Shemar's door and I couldn't stop crying. He opened the door. "Wha-.....Cheryl? What's wrong?!" He asked me in a hurry and pulled me into the house. "He found out." I said as I cried. "What did he find out?" He asked me. "That we had sex." I said as I walked to the other side of the room. "How?" He asked me as he looked confused. "I only take my wedding ring off when Tony and I make love. That's the only time and you brought it over and he connected the dots." I said as I wiped my face. "Did he put you out?" Shemar asked in an upset voice. "No, I came here to talk to you." I said as I looked at him. "I was about to say-...." He said. He then walked over towards me and gave me a hug. I then lightly pushed him away. "Why did you do that?" He asked me in a calm voice. "I just-....I don't know." I said as I shook my head and stepped back from him. Shemar then put his hand on his head and walked away. I wiped my face and took a deep breath. "Cheryl.....I love you." Shemar said. I looked at him. "I've loved you for the longest. I don't know about you but.....that day that I first made love to you? I enjoyed it. Not only do I want your heart but I just want you in all. I want you to be my wife and my everything. He cheated on you. You didn't do anything wrong except for doing what your heart wanted to do. I know that you love me and want me to be more than just a friend. Be honest. If you weren't pregnant by him.....you would be with me. Right? You know that I love and adore you more than he does. I would never do wrong by you and if I ever did- I would be stupid as hell. A woman like you deserves a man that would do anything to have you. You deserve the best. I've told you that before. A nigga that stupid to cheat on you is a dumb ass. I would never break your heart like that. Instead, I would understand that MY WOMAN had to work. I would also know how to control myself and keep my dick to myself. Why won't you come to me?" He asked me. "I just can't Shemar. I can't do that to my babies." I said. He took a deep breath. "I can be their father. Fuck Tony. I would love both of your children as if they were my own." He said in a serious tone and pulled me close to him. "Shemar...." I said as I looked at him. He then put his hands on my waist and looked me into my eyes. "Baby......let me be the best man that I can be to you. I'll always respect you. I'll always adore you. I'll always treat you like the Queen that you are. Just please." Shemar said. I looked him into his eyes. He then looked down and put both of his hands on my stomach. He then squatted down and kissed my stomach. I just started to cry and I looked down at him. "It can be Our baby. You and I." He said as he kissed it again and then stood up. As he stood up he put his hands back on my waist. "Don't cry." He said as he kissed me on my cheek. I moved my face from his kiss and removed his hands. "I'm sorry Shemar. I shouldn't have came over here. It's just making it worse." I said as I walked towards the door. "Cheryl, you know that you should be with me. Don't go back to him." He said. I then looked back at Shemar. "I told you that I know you well...." He said as he looked at me. He then walked over towards me. I looked up at him and into his eyes. He then picked me up and started to kiss me. Once we started kissing, it kept going. I already knew that there was no stopping because there's no stopping when it came to him. His touch and his kisses were too powerful. He then took me into his bedroom and continued to kiss me. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked me as he kissed me once again. "No...." I said as I kissed him back.

-🤦🏾‍♀️  Imma leave you guys with this headache, Okay? STAR/VOTE.......I'm messing up 😂😂😂 HAAAAAAAA

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