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"HYUNG?!" Jungkook stands up from his seat.

"Kookie??" The guy asked in surprise.

"Hoseok, what are you guys doing here at this hour?" The Police officer asked.

"Jaehee wants to see Officer Minhyun." Hoseok said and his 9 years old sister went to Officer Minhyun's table.

"So what happened here?" He continued.

"These two are so noisy and we got a complain from their neighbor, Mrs.Kwon." Hoseok uncle (Police officer) said.

"Hyung.." Jungkook said with puppy eyes.

"Wait! When did you come to Seoul and most importantly, did you live in one house with her?" Hoseok asked.

"Of course not hyung! This is all because of this stupid lady!" Jungkook said, glaring at Yeri.

"I am not stupid!" Yeri glared back.

"Uncle, whatever the situation is, Kookie is a nice dongsaeng so I don't think it's his fault.." Hoseok defended Jungkook. Then, Jungkook smirked at Yeri.

"Officer! Do you see that smirk?!" Yeri asked with wide eyes.

"Huh? When did I smirk?" Jungkook lied again.

"STOP FIGHTING FOR ONCE!" The officer shouts in anger which gain all the other workers attention.

"Let's do it like this.. Please arrest Jeon Jungkook and if anything happens, I have my lawyer too.." Yeri said.

Then, Hoseok burst out laughing.

"Hoseok, don't get into this business here even if he's your friend." The Officer said but Hoseok didn't listen.

"Go call your stupid lawyer! I will fight for Kookie." Hoseok said.

"Yes, yes! Go call her!" Jungkook said confidently because he knew that Hoseok is one of the best lawyers in Korea.

"I definitely will!" Yeri said, angrily and dialed her unnie's number.

Phone conversation.

"Hey, Yeri! What's up? Longtime no talk!" Her unnie greeted her, happily.

"Joy unnie! I got some problems with two talkative jerks and one of them even call you stupid lawyer!" She glared at Jungkook and Hoseok.

"WHAT?! Calling me stupid?" Joy asked, angrily.

"Yes, and now I need your help!" Yeri said.

"Don't worry! I am coming to save you! Wait for another 10 minutes!" Then they hang up.

"Unnie is coming! You're going to be dead." Yeri glared at Hoseok.

"I'm so scared! Somebody save me!" Hoseok acted like he was scared.

"Haha! You think that we'll be scared of a lady?!" Jungkook scoffed.

"I don't talk to you!"

"I don't care!"

"Yah, you mannerless lady! Kookie and I can do something to you!!"

"I said I don't f**king care!"

"Don't talk like that to Hoseok hyung!!"

"YOU THREE! STOP ARGUING AND GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" The officer said, angrily and finally tell them to get out.

"But unc--"

"Jung Hoseok!" The Officer warned Hoseok and then Yeri exited the Police station angrily. At the same time, she spotted her unnie getting out of the taxi.

My enemy, my true love | Jungri [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now