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"Aish.. How dare she kicked me here? No man should be kicked here! It's our weak point.." Jungkook mumbled while watching the TV.

It was already 10:00 at night and hours have passed since Yeri kicked his ball.

"Jungkook, let's watch a horror movie!" Yeri said, coming out from the room and seated beside Jungkook.

"No! How dare you after you kicked my precious part in my body!" Jungkook glared at her.

"Oh, I'm very sorry.. But I really want to watch this horror movie okay!" Yeri rolled her eyes.

"Are you sick? A few minutes ago you were fighting with me and then you came here and begged me again?" Jungkook scoffed. 'Never in a million years..' He thought.

"Jungkook! Just do what I said! The movie is going to start in a few minutes!" Yeri begged.

"You wish.." Jungkook replied.

"Jeon Jungkookie.."

"Shut up!"

"Please.. I begged you.. I really want to watch it.. It's the newest.."

"Who cares whether it's the newest or not."

"Kookie, pretty please?"

"Don't call me like that! Only my hyungs can call me like that.."


"Mwo?!" Jungkook widen his eyes.

"Jungkook oppa.." Yeri repeated.

"Erm... Why are you calling me like that?" Jungkook asked nervously.

"Don't you like it? Oppa?" Yeri teased again. 'When morning comes, I'll be my true self again..' She thought.

"Whatever! Here!" Jungkook throws the remote at her and she grinned widely.

"Oh! Thank you, Jungkook oppa.." Yeri fake a smile. On the other hand, Jungkook was blushing so hard but he don't even know it.

"What are you watching anyway?" He asked.

"Annabelle.." She replied while switching the channel.

"What?" Hearing that Jungkook gulped.

"What's with that reaction? Are you scared?" Yeri smirked.

"Who says I'm scared?! I'm a man! I'm not scared! Got me?" Jungkook said while gulping nervously in the inside.

"Okay.. But I'll warn you, it's the newest so I swear it's going to be scary as hell." Yeri said.

"I-I'm not scared." Jungkook stuttered.

To be honest, he's not a fan of horror movies since he was a little. He could cry and beg his mom to sleep with him at night. But on the other hand, Yeri is a big fan of this kind of stuffs. She could secretly watch it after she make sure that everyone was sleeping. She used to do that when she was in elementary school.

"Oh! Turn off the lights.." Yeri told him.

"Why?!" Jungkook widen his eyes again.

"It will be more fun.." She replied.

"Okay.." Jungkook got up and turned off the lights nervously.

"Pali! It's starting.." Yeri said.

Who knows these two will watch horror movie together? Then the movie was starting.. Jungkook was so scared but he acted like he was not. And without him knowing, he move closer to Yeri.

"What are you doing? Are you scared?" Yeri asked.

"N-no! Never.." Jungkook replied and move back to his own place.

"Okay then.." Yeri focused on the movie again.

Then, the scary part came when Annabelle's mom showed her face to the nun.

"AHHH!!!!" Jungkook screamed like a girl and quickly hide behind Yeri.

"Why don't you just admit that you're scared?" Yeri chuckled.

"Aish.." was the only word that can come out of Jungkook's mouth.

"I already know it from the start that you're scared. I just want to prove it.." Yeri confessed.

"So you like watching me suffer?!" Jungkook shouts in anger.

"Yah! It's not like that.. I just wanted to make sure of it!" Yeri argued.

"Fine! I'm scared at this kind of things since I was a child!" Jungkook admitted.

"I respect you.." Yeri laugh like there was no tomorrow.

"Thank you!" Jungkook scoffed and leaves.


Yeri's Pov..


"Fine! I'm scared at this kind of things since I was a child!"

Haha😂! Why did those funny scenes keeps replaying on my mind? I don't know that he was that childish.. So funny.. To be honest, I love watching him screaming..

Suddenly my bedroom door swing open.. WAIT! I thought I locked the door. And to my surprise, Jungkook comes in. What is he doing?

"What are you doing here?" I asked, confused.

"Ask yourself.. You let me watch horror movie with you and this is it.. I'm going to sleep with you!" He said.

WHAT?! Sleep with me?!

"Are you crazy?! We can't share the same bed! It's very small and most importantly, I'm not going to sleep with you! I'm not even your mom!" I argued.

"Do I look like I care?" He rolled his eyes and before I could even answer, he climb on my bed and sleep at my opposite.

"Yah! Go to your room.. Do you want me to teach you a lesson?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Try me.." He replied as he closed his eyes.



Hello again after a very long time!

How are you?

Lame chapter right?


Have a nice day and keep reading!


My enemy, my true love | Jungri [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now