This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)

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Hello!! Well Guys, I've been wanting to write a 1D story for a while now, but Ehh, I cant help but thank @mrshoran1 for giving me the lovley Idea of a Zarry story! Cause I hate thinking of the boys with a girl..*chills* ew just no! No offence to Eleanor or Danielle.

Anywho! Yeah, I want two girls for my story! One for Louis and Liam*tear*! Since Niall is taken by the lovely @MrsHoran1 !

Lets see just Comment and tell me about yourself!


Physical characteristics

How you would like to meet him

Your name

And likes, dislikes

Thats about it

Oh and a random song

Yup, that's about it! Soo please Comment! An tell me what you think!


Harry's POV

Great! Just fucking great! Are you fucking kidding me? Why do they always catch me in the wrong place at the wrong time! I really just cant stand it anymore!

I bet you're wondering 'What's wrong Haz?'

Well about a few seconds ago they caught me kissing a guy.

I dont know if Im gay.. I mean I dont know. My thoughts were interrupted by My phone ringing.

It has been ringing non-stop since that happend, but whatever. I should have been more careful, yeah but it was I- It the heat of the moment.

Buzzz Buzzz.

"What?!" I groweld

"Harry where are you? We are worried, but Im glad you are oka-" i heared Niall say scared.

"Oh shit! Niall Im sorry! I didnt mean to yell, Im sorry! Im just fustrated" i said sliding down the brick wall behind me.

"Harry where the hell are you!" Yelled a very angry Liam on the line.

"Liam stop shouting! And I am in-" i said looking around not knowing what street I was in,

"Yeah So Harry what street are you on?!" Liam yelled getting angrier.

"Liam Calm down! I bet he's okay, Haz you're okay right?" I heared Louis yell from far away,

"Yeah, Boobear, I'm fine! I just, I need some time alone!" I yelled getting angry again.

I hung up the phone, and I shook my hair getting up.

I sighed walking around

My phone vibrated again

'Harry, please come home!- Zayn xx'

I ignored it. Walking around. It was dark outside proabably around 11, i heared footsteps behind me.

"Guys! look! I think that's Harry Styles!!" I heared a girl yell.

"No! Why would he be alone! He doesnt even look like him!" Another one yelled

"That's him! I know I would recognized that mess of curly hair anywhere! And he has a blazer on! I know its him!" The first girl yelled

"How much do you want to bet that's not him!" Another one yelles

"50 bucks!"

"Deal!" Two girls said.

Finally I decided to turn around.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now