one bed?

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••Liam's Pov••

Okay, I didnt really see that coming..

Zayn was ontop of Harry, then he pecked his lips, does that mean that they are.. gay?


I felt my phone vibrate, what now?


"Liam! Tomorrow you guys cant go to the studio, somebody will be using it for the next week, and you guys arent booked for anything, soo run wild, but not too wild, unless we want Harry to have a kid with Caroline" Simon joked..

I groaned

"We wont have a problem with that!" I said joking.

"Does this have anything to do with Harry an that guy he kissed?"

"Yes, wait no what are we talking about again?!" I asked scared.

"Liam is there anything I dont know?"

"errmm.. no nothing! Well let me tell the lads bye!" I said

"Li-" i hung up.

Gosh Liam you big mouth! I slapped my hand against my forhead.

I called Niall.


"No The Easter Bunny we have the week off, so maybe we can go to the beach."

"Ermm hold on hey T would you like to go to the Beach..... hey Li how long?"

"I dunno four days ?"

"For days!.... kay, Okay we'r in!" He yelled and hung up.

Okay.. That's nice

I called the rest of the guys and asked to se if they wanted to go, Lou was taking Bethany and Zayn was in.

Harry was another thing.

I walked over to his flat.

"Harry!!" I yelled

"Im in here Li!" He yelled from his room.

"Hey Hazz want to go to the beach with us?" I asked.

"No." He said and started to eat.

"Harry, why not?"

I looked around his room too see a big mess.

"I dont want to go!"

"Wow [Louis is sticking to you] buddy!" I joked.

"Why dont you want to go?" I asked already knowing the answer.

You see Harry, and I were talking and he told me about the whole "Zayn" situation.

"you know why" he said rubbing his face.

"Harry! Just go! Pleasee!! Dont make me call Louis and Niall so they can annoy the shit out of you, untill you agree to go!" I said smirking.

"No! Please no! Fine Ill go!! But pleasee not them!" He said sitting up straight.

"Good! Now get your stuff ready! We leave at 3 oh and we're taking the van, so you might hav to sit with Zayn" i said warning Harry.

He glared at me knowing what would happen if he decided to bail out.

He sighed and got up and started to pack clothse ,"How many days are we staying?" He asked grabbing a duffle back.

"Four days" i said and walked out.

This is going to be fun i said in my head.

Oh who am I kidding? This vacation will be intresting.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now