Dinner and A Plan

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••Liam's Pov••

"Liam where will you sleep?" Harry asked walking over to the piano.

"Hmm, I'll get the blow up matress," I said not wanting to share a room with Zayn.

"Well what are we doing today?" Louis asked

"Well, I was thinking about going to dinner, then watch a few films later on, and NO DRINKING Niall!" I said giving Niall a knowing look.

"Party pooper!" He mumbled.

Harry started to play random notes on the piano.

I sighed walking over to Harry patting his head, "what's on your mind?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing much, just bored, I want to just go out, " he said looking at me.

"Hey guys, what are we going to do now?" I asked.

"Umm, I acctually have something to do!" Tarah said bitting her lip.

"Okay, well get on it, we're leaving at 6:30 to eat!" I said nodding at her. Plenty of time for us to just chill.

••Nothing Really exciting happened soo lets go to dinner!!••

I called the restourant reserving an 8 seat table for us.

After I had announced that, Everyone went on their ways to get ready.

"BabyCakes WAKE UPP FOOD!!" I heared Bethany yell

"But Im tireedd!! Get outt!!" Malena yelled back.

"LIAM SHE WONT GET UP!!" Bethany yelled at me from the top of the stairs.

I sighed. I was the first to get ready, knowing they would take their time. I was wearing a white shirt with a vest and black skinny jeans and white converse.

I jogged up the stairs. And into my room.

Malena was holding a giraffe pillow pet. She might have to end up hiding that from Niall.

"Malena get up! We are going out for dinner!" I said shaking her a bit.

"Go away!" She mumbled cuddling into the girraffe more.

"I GOTTT THISS!!" Louis yelled walking in with a bucket of water.

"Louis I dont think you should-"

"Holy shit! That was cold!" Malena yelled

"Nooo!! Paul is wett!! Louis you fucking suck!!" Malena yelled angrily.

she got out of the bed taking off the covers and pillows. Mumbling multiple curse words.

"Lou apoligize!" I said sternly.

"No, its okay, can I just change?" She asked looking through her suitcase. I walked out and saw Zayn holding Harry from walking away.

"Harry!" I yelled hoping Zayn would let him go. No luck.

"Zayn let him go!" I yelled walking towards them.

"Mind your own dam buisness Liam!" He yelled slaming the door in my face.

I checked the time 6:15. Okay Im guessing we should go now.

"Guys!! We have to leave hurry up!!" I yelled.

The girls were the first ones to come downstairs.

"You guys look nice!" I complimented them. They all blushed and mumbled a "thanks".

I chuckled while Niall,and Louis, came down leaving Zayn and Harry upstairs.

"Guys its 6:20 HURRY THE FUCK UP FOOD IS WAITING FOR ME!!" Niall yelled.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now