Amusement Park!

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Harry's Pov!:)


I fell asleep thinking of Zayn..

It was gross.. I mean, he's basically my best friend! And just thinking of him is plain wierd.

I woke up with a headache.. ugh, noo..

Today's my day off!! How can I relax with this fuking headache?

"Hazza!! It's time to get up!! We have to talk about what happened.. erm yesterday" Louis said walking into my room.

"Boo, I have a headache can we drop this until tomorrow? Or maybe later?" I aked rubbing my head.

"Okay, but get ready we're going to Six Flags!!" He yelled jumping up and down

".... Greeaat!" I yelled sarcastically.

"Hurr up you have about fifteen minutes!" He yelled walking out.

I sighed and showerd and got dressed in navy blue cargo shorts, and a blue shirt and white shoes. Shook my hair a few times brushed my teeth and walke out.

I saw all the boys sitting in the couch.

Niall was wearing a while Muscle shirt and dark blue shorts with his Supras and a snapback.

Louis was wearing a loose t shirt and and blue pants rolled up at the ankles an his TOMS

Liam was wearing a t shirt and tan shorts with white convers and a hat

And Zayn, Zayn wa wearing a USA flag muscle shirt, with tan zhorts and vans, showing of some tatto- Harry stop! He's your best friend, stop looking! I yelled at myself mentally slapping myself.

"Harry are you okay?" Niall asked standing up walking to the fridge.

"Yeah lets go!" I yelled.

Niall groaned slamming the fridge door close, seems like wasnt going to get anything to eat.

We called Paul, and Josh who were meeting us there.

About 20 minutes later we arrived to see the park halfway empty.

When we got inside all the boys and Paul except for Zayn went to ride a ride.

"So Harry, what did happen last night?" Zayn asked glancing at me walking to a bench waiting for the guys to get off.

"Uh.. nothing really" i said not wanting to talk about it, with him.

"Come on Haz you can tell me!" He said nudging me with his shoulder.

Was it wierd that I felt butterflies in my stomach from wher he touched me?

My arm missing the warmth from him.

What the hell am I saying?!

"I know, I guess I kissed a guy, but it didnt mean anything! I promise!"

"Really? Why did you kiss him back?" He asked stiffening a bit, or was that just my imagination playing tricks on me?

"I dont know... I did acctually enjoy it, and He wasnt that baad looking and what am I saying?!" I yelled running a hand through my hair.

Zayn put an arm arround me "Its okay, you can tell me if you're gay, it's not gross" he said pulling me to him.

A shot of electricity ran through me, I pulled away shocked at what had just happened. He looked calm, this asshole! Never showing what he feels.

"Oh my god guys that was soooo funn!! Lets go on another one!" Yelled a very happy Leprechaun bumping into a group of girls bumping one to the ground.

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