Thee Fuckk?

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••Eleanor's Pov••

"Hey Haydn, how're you feeling?" I asked smirking.

"Fuck off you are soo fucking annoying, seriously you got what all of you wanted, although what did Niall have to do with it?" He asked.

[••Sweet T!! Im sorry sis!! I didnt mean it!!••]

"Cause, that thing is soo fucking annoying, seriously, she was about to attack us with th other ones!!" I yelled. I looked around and saw Niall, and Lou running out with food.

"Bye Lou!" I yelled when he was about to leave.

"Fuck off you annoying twit!" He yelled back

"See he doesnt even like you," Haydn said massaging his cheek.

"As for Harry, he doesnt want anything to do with you either, so?" I said crossing my arms.

"Fuck off, anyways what did you want?"

"Acctually I forgot now, well, I'll leave, Danielle and Perrie are waiting for me." I said walking out.

I walked out jumping into my car and driving to Dani's house.

"Hey El!" Danielle said when I walked in.

"Hey, well did you hear what happened to Haydn?" I asked grinning.

"No, I can care less what happend to him," Perrie said walking in.

"What happend?"

"We saw the boys at TacoBell, and Harry attacked him, "

"No fucking way!!" They yelled at the same time

"Yup, it was funny, although Lou ignored me, but oh well, he's going to have to get used to me again, he'll forget about that chick" I said .

I know it. I remember how happy we used to be, but nooo, he wanted to be single. This is fucking stupid.

[••Sorryy BooBear! Thinking of CatPiss and Hayley••]

What's up with that girl he was dating anyways, where did he find her? Couldnt get a girl with class? This isnt right, he is supposed to be with me.

"Haha he ignored you, now that sucks!"

"Shut the fuck up!! I highly doubt Liam and Zayn will treat you any different than that!" I said getting pissed.

"I could care less, aslong as they arent with those girls and we have our spotlight, Im good!" Danielle said. Perrie agreed.

"Not that I need more spotlight" Perrie added.

"Nobody even likes your music," i said rolling my eyes.

These girls are fucking annoying.

"Oh by the way, Haydn said we have to dp that date thing before friday, dont know why though" I said rembering about the date.

"We have to go look for new outfits," they said.

I nodded and we went shopping. Honestly the clothes they got couldnt get any sluttier.

This is going to be good.

••Zayn's Pov••

Okay, so I've lost count on how many days I've been here. Jonathan has been here a few times, but just to tell me, 'You have a date on friday,'

Well I have a date. I miss the boys. Its sooo boring here.

I've basically made friends with the dust bunnies. I get scared at night. It getts waaay to dark, and I always hear noises.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now