8th member

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••Zayn's Pov••

I opened the door to see They boys and girls eating breakfast. They all looked at me except for Harry, who was glaring at his food.

"Morning guys!" I greeted

"Dont you Good Morning us!! Where the fuck were you?" Liam asked me crossing his arms

"None of your buisness.." i said looking for painkillers

"None of my buisness. Explain one thing, why is twitter blwing up, about you and Perrie huh??" He yelled.

"Stop yelling my head hurts." I said sitting down next to Harry holding my head.

He got up and went to sit in the living room.

"Hey Harry, would you mind coming with me to the store?" Liam asked giving me a 'say yes!!' Look.

"Yeahh," He asnwered putting his plate in the sink.

"Liam can I go? I need a few things!" Tarah asked.

"Sure thing meet me here at 10" Liam said jogging up the stairs.

Harry went upstairs giving Tarah a piggyback.

I glared at both of them.

"You dont have a right to glare at my girlfriend!" Niall yelled at me.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"You know at Zayn, shut the fuck up, seriously, I am seriously getting fucking tired of your shit! First you're all over Harry, then you go out with some skank who you dont deserve!" Louis yelled walking up to me.

"What the fuck do you know?! Atleast I dont have somebody threatning who I am with" I yelled back at him.

I felt his fist hit my face.

"Guys stop!" Bethany yelled Niall was holding her back.

He pushed me to the ground and started to punch me.

"Liam!!" Niall yelled!!

I pushed Louis and started to punch him in the face.

"Liamm!! Hurry, !!" Niall yelled.

I felt myself being lifted off of Louis.

"Fuck you Zayn! Im done! Im done with your bullshit!" Louis yelled.

He walked off slamming the door.

"Guys, we have to go now!" Tarah yelled.

"Guys, we'll be right back, Zayn you're coming with us hurry up!"

"Then Im not going!" Harry yelled. Crossing his arms.

"Im going to see my BooBear, some asshole might've bruised his face." He said walking up the stairs.

"Well, Ill go with Harry," Bethany said getting up. Walking up the stairs.

"Ima stay! Bye guys!" Niall said going to the fridge.

The Car ride to the airport was akward.

Liam drove, while Tarah and I sat in the back.

She was texting away.

Liam was focused on the rode, so I was bored.

"Oh Zayn, next time you're going to have a back up slut, make sure she doesnt leave you hickeys, You're lucky Hazza didnt notice" Liam said glaring at me.

I sighed.

When we got there. We waited for God knows who. Then a girl came out of the terminal Smiling wide when she saw Tarah!

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now