Uh-Oh, again.

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Hey Y'all!! How did y'all like Karen's chapter?? It was pretty long so I'll try to make my chapters longer, and it will take me longer to upload since, it's through my phone, well, I'll be writing on mah own now, and this story must come to an end right? Well, Im thinking about a sequel! But dont know yet anyways, appereantly somebody*Cough*WhatsAnAwsomeName*cough* Idolized my cousin. And now I want to cry. So, now Im going to tell my cousin to write their trip..... well maybe just some parts(;

Anyways Enjoy:D


••Zayn's Pov°°

"Zayn wake up we have to pack up and leave" I heared somebody say.

"Go away, I need my beauty sleep," I mumbled burrying my head deeper into the pillow.

I felt somebody jump on my back.

"WAKE UP!! VEGAS IS AWAITING!!!! HURRYY!!!" Harry yelled slapping hitting me with a pillow.

I turned over making him fall off of the bed

"Oww you dickhead" he said sitting up.

"Sorry babe, what time is it?" I asked sitting up.

"Erm, 3:30" He said bitting his lip.

"Ugh, I guess I can sleep in the plane" I said

I got up, and walked to my closet , and grabbed my suitcase.

"Im going to shower" I said going to the bathroom.

"Dont take too long or Liam will be pissed!"

"Okay" I walked into the shower.

••Harry's Pov°°

I cant believe we are going to Vegas. I soo excited. But what if we do loose Niall? I mean, it would be fun, I mean not fun but, ya know? Entertaining. I chuckle at myself. I Walked over to my suitcase and started to pack random clothes.

I heared somebody knocking, well, banging on the door. I got up and opened the door.

"Whaat?" I yelled

"Oh, you're awake, haa, sorryy well, I guess, we're leaving in ten minutes, be downstairs" Liam said akwardly before walking off.

I laughed at him, "Zayn, get out of the shower" I said, after I finished packing all my clothes.

"But the waters is sooo warm"

"Hurry! We have to talk about Liam's birthday!" I yelled.

"Oh shit, yeah, you're right, I'll be out in a few"

"No out now!" I yelled at him.

"Fiiiiiiiiiinnneeee" he whined turning the water off.

*five loonng minutes later*

"Zaayn! Your hair looks fine!! Hurryy upp!!" Niall yelled from the hallway.

"But you havent seen it!" Zayn yelled back.

"Just use a fucking beanie and lets fucking go!" Niall yelled getting mad.

Zayn walked out of the restroom covering his hair with his hands. "Really Zayn?" I laughed.

"Babe Where's your beanie?" He asked me

I looked for it.


"Here" I tossed it at him.

"Okay thanks" he put it on.

"Lets go!" He shouted our suitcasses and walking out.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now