He is a she and Bright red lipstick?

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~~Zayn's POV~~

I woke up feeling uneasy.

"Harry" I whispered.


"Haarryy!!" I yelled shaking him a bit.


"I... I have a feeling somethings not good" I said getting scared.

I never feel like this unless something bad is happening. And that doesnt always happen.

Harry shot right up, "Okay, what's wrong?" He asked me looking at me.

"I-I dont know, I I just dont feel good, like something isnt right here. Am I just being too paranoid?" I mumbled to myself. I pressed my back against the head board of the bed clutching the covers closer to me.

"Okay, babe, hold on Let me call Liam, what time is it?" He said looking around. I looked at the clock.

1:45 PM.

I started to take deep breathes trying to calm myself down.

I heared a fast knock on the door.

Harry looked at me. I shrugged. He went to the door.

"Okay, Harry where's Zayn? We have a problem" Liam said scared

"Liam, have you seen Tarah?" Niall asked trying to catch his breath.

"Guys!!! Bethany isnt in Niall or Liam's room, is she here?" Louis asked somewhat bubbly.

I knew it!! "Harry! I told you so! I knew it, i knew this was going to happen!" I said running out of the room and into the livingroom.

"What are you talking about Zayn?" Liam asked me.

"Yesterday, Harry and I went out for icecream and they told us that Danielle, Perrie and Elanor where here in Vegas, and I said I knew, something was going to happen while the girls were on ther night out" I said looking at them.

"Okay calm down guys, wait doesnt this remind you of something?" Louis asked.

Everybody shook their heads. Okay well, their is a slight chance that the girls are lost.

"Did the girls tell you anything? Like a place where they were going?" I asked

"Tarah said something about a bar, but that's it"

"Zayn! I know who might know where Danielle went!" Harry said smiling.

"Guys get ready, we're searching for the girls!" Harry said smiling wide.

~Louis' POV~

"Harry where are we going?" Liam asked AGAIN.

"Just be patient!" He yelled running a little bit faster.

Paparrazzi were following us as if we were crazy. They werent JUST following us, they were chasing us!

After running we walked into a cake shop.

"Ooohhhh CAKEE!!" Niall yelled running over to the food.

"Hello, how may I he- oh.. hey guys" Danielle said walkin out of the back.

"Did you see the girls last night?" I asked calmly

"Hmm" he tapped her chin "Nope dont remember" she crossed her arms.

"Listen, don't fucking lie Danielle What the fuck did you do?" Liam growled trying to control himself.

"I dont fucking know! And don't raise your fucking voice at me Liam!" She yelled shoving a finger into his chest.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now