The Not So Happy Ending!

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••Harry's Pov°°

"Zayn, try calling Louis and Niall, I'll try to call Liam. Simon called, again, and said that the concert starts at 8, and we only have three hours left do get all the things ready" I said getting annoyed.

"Harry how do you think they'll pick when the girls they really like are out there missing! How did you feel when Haydn took me?" Zayn asked me trying to calm me down.

"You're right, I just don't want to leave the fans dissapointed, I... I really ugh, I'm soo confused!" I yelled picking up a random thing and throwing it at the wall. Turns it was a hair spray can.

"Harry calm down. I'll call them one more time, if they don't pick up... We'll think of something" Zayn told me running a hand through my hair trying to calm me down.

I nodded and went to sit down.

"Hello? Liam, guys I don't want to tell you this but, take a break, they'll show up, they know their way, we have a concert in 2 hours, Simon is pissed off"

"Li- Shut up and listen, get here quick. Now! If the girls don't show up, we'll call the cops, something give it one more hour, or maybe two? Jus-"

"Liam, now!" Zayn yelled hanging up.

"What did he say?" I asked not wanting to know their answer.

He looked at me and smiled sadly, "They're on their way"

I nodded, "They better show up"

••Tarah's POV°°

"Alright ladies, we're here, good luck!" He told us waving at us.

I walked inside the gas station heels in hand and looked at the cashier.

"Can we use your phone? We need to get somewhere quick!" I asked politely.

"There's a payphone outside" he said rudely.

Bethany walked inside, "I got us a ride! But you guys ont like who it is."

"Why who is- oh it's you" I said looking at Eleanor.

"Why are you here?" I asked her.

"I wanted to.. apoligize... for what I did.. And I knew you would be here, Haydn's in jail, and well... we are off the hook, and I wanted to know if you would like a ride, to the concert?" She said smiling. She looked sincere.

"Sure why not?" I said jumping in the back of her car.

"Wait concert?" Malena finaly spoke up

"Yeah, the boys wont leave Vegas knowing you girls are missing, Simon is prettt upset, but they'll be able to continue their tour now! Also I bought you girls some dresses so you wont wear the same clothes you did, there in that bag." She said smiling.

"When is the concert starting? And thank you" I said looking at the outfits.

There was 3 pairs of dark washed skinny jeans with all dirrerent crop tops.

Malena got the France one, Bethany got the Red Stripped one, while I got the Boston t

Tigers one.

"About Twenty minutes, we'll be there before the concert ends" She assured us.

We made a quick stop and changed our clothes, and put on our heels, since we had no other shoes to put on.

About an hour or so later we came to a complete stop.

"We're here!" Eleanor said pointing to the venue

"Okay thanks Eleanor!" Bethany and I said.

Malena just looked at her and nodded, and quickly walked to the doors.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now